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他是一个雷锋式的人物。He is a Lei Feng.

自我介绍我的名字是李蕾。My name is Li Lei.

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雷锋早逝。Lei Feng died young.

李先生是一个雷锋式的人。Mr. Li is a Lei Feng.

你知道黄磊吗?Do you know Huang Lei?

他是雷锋式的人物。He is a second Lei Feng.

李磊是一个出色的女孩。Li Lei is a pretty girl.

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你给李蕾打电话了吗?Did you telephone Li Lei?

她是个雷锋式的人物。She is a second Lei Feng.

我和高磊为什么会去?I and why will Gao Lei go?

让我们向雷锋学习。Let's learn from Lei Feng.

你大还是李磊大?Are you older or is Li Lei?

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向雷磊表示祝贺!Congratulations to Lei Lei!

李磊在教室里。Li Lei is in the classroom.

我不知道他就是李蕾。I didn't know he was Li Lei.

向雷峰同志学习。Learn from Comrade Lei Feng.

他们是魏华和李雷。They are Wei Hua and Li Lei.

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这本书是谈雷锋的。This book is about Lei Feng.

我们一定要向雷锋学习。We must learn from Lei Feng.

他是一个雷锋式的人物。He is a man of Lei Feng type.