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建立有效的处罚制度。Build effective condemnatory system.

第三、处罚责任人,“重典”显示决心。The 3rd, condemnatory responsibility person, "Heavy allusion " indication determination.

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二要加大对企业违规行为的处罚力度。The 2 condemnatory strength that should increase pair of enterprises to violate compasses act.

很多谴责语调的帖子引起一些评论员转向绯闻。The condemnatory tone of many postings has prompted some commentators to turn on the gossipers.

我觉得要按照他们的利润进行处罚,要一次性罚死他们。I feel to want to undertake condemnatory according to their profit, should one-time punish them dead.

有消息人士表示我乐网确实收到了有关部门的处罚通知。Message personage states I am happy the condemnatory announcement that the net got concerned department really.

更有网络评论员调侃称,按照这样的处罚逻辑,“还有不违法的网民吗?”More network news analyst speaks say, according to such condemnatory logic, "Still have the netizen that doesn't break the law?"

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对于未成年人约见网友,则属于未成年人“自我保护”范畴的自律行为,未有处罚措施。See a netizen about to minor, belong to minor " ego is protected " autonomic behavior of the category, have no condemnatory measure.

常见的网络和科技犯罪行为主要有三类,香港法律也都规定了相应的处罚方法。Common network and criminality of science and technology basically have 3 kinds, hong Kong law also provided corresponding condemnatory means.

如果逾期不执行,淘宝网将强行清空处理,并可能进行处罚。If exceed the time limit is not carried out, the net that clean out treasure will forcibly clear empty processing, undertake possibly condemnatory.

对监护人未尽到监护责任,或网吧营业者违反规定的,条例列明了处罚措施。Did not use up tutelar responsibility to guardian, or the person that the Internet bar does business of deregulation, byelaw stated condemnatory measure.

通过这些行政处罚措施的执行和宣传,形成了巨大的舆论压力,威慑了海洋环境违法违规行为。These administrative and condemnatory measures and propaganda brought great pressure and deterring the marine environment violation and illegal activities.

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事实上,联合国安理会预计将按照8国集团领导人对天安号的谴责声明来制订他们自己的强硬声明。Indeed, the United Nations Security Council is expected to follow up on the G8 leaders’ condemnatory statement over the Cheonan with its own tough statement.

一方面说,这些声音,为基督教的虚伪,感到可耻,因为事实表明,教堂把种族歧视,奴隶制,压迫合法化。On the one hand, those voices were ones that were quite condemnatory of the sham Christianity which they saw around them, which justified racism and slavery and oppression.

争取更高工资和更短工作时间的工会政策被他说成是保守的——当然了,“保守主义”是马克思能够用的最诅咒的话。The union policy of asking for higher wage rates and shorter work hours he called conservative-conservatism being, of course, the most condemnatory term which Karl Marx could use.

处罚权,只能由行政机关或司法机关或其他有处罚权的组织在其法定职权范围内行使。Punishment counterpoises, can by executive authority or judiciary or other the organization that has condemnatory right is in its are legal the exercise inside limits of one's functions and powers.