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二十亿人营养不良。And, two billion were malnourished.

我可以在精神上营养不良的情况下是健康的吗?Can I behealthy if I am spiritually malnourished?

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出生体重轻就表示母亲营养不良。Low birthweight is an indication of a malnourished mother.

五岁以下的印度儿童几乎有一半是营养不良。Almost half of all Indian children under five are malnourished.

四名受害者被发现时,营养不良且长满褥疮。The four victims were found malnourished and suffering from bedsores.

这位营养不足的婴儿因为病情恶化被紧急送医。The malnourished baby was rushed to the hospital as its condition worsened.

联合国儿童基金会发言人梅尔卡多表示,在抵达埃塞俄比亚的儿童当中,几乎有一半都营养不良。Mercado says almost half the children arriving in Ethiopia are malnourished.

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营养不良的儿童更容易染病,比如麻疹。Malnourished children are more prone to sicknesses and diseases, such as measles.

营养不良的婴儿出生时面临着包括神经管缺损的并发症。Malnourished infants face complications during birth, including neural tube defects.

我们每天平均接诊30-35个患儿,全都是营养不良,严重的营养不良。We average 30, 35 children every day. All of them are malnourished, severely malnourished.

将解决营养不良儿童增加利用卫生中心进行治疗问题。Increased access of malnourished children to health centres for treatment will be addressed.

但是这种以香蕉为主的饮食缺乏铁元素和维生素A,这造成很多的乌干达人营养不良。But banana-based diets are deficient in iron and vitamin A, leaving many Ugandans malnourished.

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有研究发现,早婚印度女性的孩子更有可能患营养不良。Some studies show that Indian girls who marry young are more likely to have malnourished children.

他们特别关注所吃的东西以便他们既不会营养不良也不会太胖。They pay special attention to what they eat so that they get neither malnourished nor overweighed.

仅仅几个月,我们看到了300例像巴娃可和默罕默德这样的严重营养不良儿童的例子。We have seen 300 cases of severely malnourished children like Barwaco and Mohamed in just a few months.

工业化使我们的生活变得丰衣足食,但同时也使我们营养失调。The industrialization allows us to live in an abundant life, but in many cases we are still malnourished.

夸希奥科病的人群出生体重正常。出生体重轻就表示母亲营养不良。The kwashiorkor group had normal birth weights. Low birthweight is an indication of a malnourished mother.

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营养不良的儿童因为免役系统变弱甚至更容易被感染。Malnourished children are even more susceptible to being infected because of their weakened immune systems.

接下来顺着百老汇到达范·卡兰特公园,一座占地1146英亩的广阔区域,让中央公园看起来像得了营养不良。Or head up Broadway to Van Cortlandt Park, a 1, 146-acre expanse that makes Central Park look malnourished.

我注意到,跟其他孩子一样,她的肚脐也是突出来的,这是婴儿时期的营养不良造成的。Like several of the children, she had a herniated belly button, a result of being malnourished as an infant.