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我给他送定期的情况简报。I send him periodic summaries.

那么,周期性规律就讲完了。So, that's it for periodic trends.

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循环是阶段性和可选择的。The cycles are periodic and optional.

为什么我们叫它周期表?Why do we call it the Periodic Table?

元素周期表的右半部分。On the right side of the Periodic Table.

选个关于元素周期表的东西。Pick something about the Periodic Table.

然后有计划的复习。Then schedule periodic reviews therafter.

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周四会有周期表测验。Thursday will be the Periodic Table quiz.

这就是存在周期性的原因。So that is where the "periodic" comes from.

方波如正弦波一样是周期性的。Square waves, like sine waves, are periodic.

宇衬,周期性位势,量子点的示范。Parity, Periodic Potentials, Quantum Dot Demo.

那么,我们要先讲完周期性规律。So, we need to finish up with periodic trends.

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锝是元素周期表中第43号元素。Technetium is number 43 on the periodic table.

设定阶段目标---要做的事情是永远做不完的。Set Periodic Goals –To-do lists are never-ending.

这几项安排每隔一定时间须予复查。These arrangements are subject to periodic review.

本图演示了周期性任务调度。This figure demonstrates periodic task scheduling.

这几项安排每隔一定时间须予复查。These arrangements are subject to periodic reviews.

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你需要默写周期表。You will be asked to write down the periodic table.

“你一定会碰见周期性问题,”他说道。"You're bound to run into periodic issues, " he says.

这说明我们的复习没有计划性和周期性。This shows that our review is not planned and periodic.