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这种水果怕压。The fruit is rather squashy.

球是由柔软的凝胶制成,而球心的聚和物稍重一些。It's a squashy gel ball with a slightly heavier polymer core.

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此时她好像一个小姑娘害羞一样,脸红得象熟透的柿子。Right now she is like a girl bashful and same, blush so that resemble squashy persimmon.

枯黄的是树上刚摘上去熟透的桔子那桔黄。Withered and yellow is squashy orange just was picked on the tree that orange is yellow.

枯黄的是树上刚摘下来熟透的桔子那桔黄。Withered and yellow is squashy orange just was picked on the tree that orange is yellow.

在那条绿色小径的尽头,草地变得柔软,树丛下开有大片的兰花。At the end of that green lane the grass became squashy . Vast orchids sprouted under bushes.

不过,这些作用只是熟透的香蕉才具有的,生香蕉可能会起到反作用。Nevertheless, only squashy banana just has these effect, unripe banana may rise counteractive.

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数以万计的人加入这场世界上规模最大的食品大战,投掷了上百吨熟透的西红柿。As tens of thousands of people hurled tonnes of squashy fruit in the world's biggest food fight.

如果太柔软没有支撑,它将不能提高足够的支持,而导致脚后跟疼痛。If it is too squashy and unsupportive, it will not give enough support, and that can cause heel pain.

如果瞧见这个怪模怪样、浑身皱巴巴、脑袋形状像个茄子的小东西的人是你,你会对如此疯狂的事物作何反应呢?And what do you do with something as wild as this weird squashy little guy with a head shaped like an eggplant?

造型逼真如熟透的樱桃,诱人得让人忍不住想咬上一口。Modelling is distinct be like squashy cherry, so inviting that let a person cannot help wanting to bite on one.

楼上的灯亮了,接着哈利惊恐地发现,那个巨大的、湿湿软软的东西,居然是他姨夫的脸。Lights clicked on upstairs and to his horror Harry realized that the big, squashy something had been his uncle's face.

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最近的降雨淤积在院子里,泥泞的地上铺着的木板一直通到面包房。The recent rains have made the garden water- logged. There are wooden planks set above the squashy mud for access to the bakery.

雪静静地坐在火的另一边。她的脸被照的通红,恍如熟透的苹果,纯洁而又诱人。In the other side of the fire, Yuki was sitting there stilly. Her face was red and looked like a squashy apple, charming and innocent.

这些使人反感装着有粘性的汁液和种子的柔软麻布袋,埋在土壤里该是有益健康的块茎却成了证据?What evidence is there for the supposedly health-giving properties of these soil-encrusted tubers and these repulsive, squashy sacks of sticky juice and seed?

如熟透的樱桃般紫红的唇膏是你的首选,当然还需要水润效果一流的唇彩或唇釉与之相配。If the amaranthine lipstick like squashy cherry is your first selection, still need the labial colour with water profit top-ranking result or labial glair of course to it suitable.

用微波炉烹调冷冻食品会造成食物外层熟透而中心仍然冻结或半生不熟、损失食物,因此必然解冻后再烹调。With microwave oven cook refrigerant food can create food outer and squashy and the center still is frozen or food of rawness, loss, accordingly after inevitable defrost again cook.

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鲜红的西红柿汁流遍了西班牙小镇布诺的大街小巷。数以万计的人加入这场世界上规模最大的食品大战,投掷了上百吨熟透的西红柿。Blood-red streams of tomato juice oozed through the streets of the tiny Spanish town of Bunol as tens of thousands of people hurled tonnes of squashy fruit in the world's biggest food fight.