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利用异狄氏剂的渔业管理。Use of endrin in fishery management.

这艘船从事远洋渔业。The ship is engaged in pelagic fishery.

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中国东部黄海渤海遭遇40年来最扬中冰冻。East China fishery hit by worst sea ice in 40 yrs.

渔场主对着大火挥舞着拳头。The owner of the fishery shook his fist at the fire.

养鱼用作带水清塘、鱼池增氧等。Used for pond cleaning and oxygen supply in fishery.

雁山渔业加工的标准化水产品。Some manufactured standard seafood by Yanshan Fishery.

但渔场面临着财政的危机。But the fishery was confronted with a financial crisis.

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渔业官员已经开始委派指导员到学校。Fishery officials have started sending instructors to schools.

不过埃金斯称这种捕捞只是暂时的。But Akins says this is one fishery that should not be sustainable.

到了1996年,由于数十年的过度捕捞,红湖的渔业遭到了毁灭。By 1996 decades of overfishing had decimated the Red Lake fishery.

日本渔业厅计划再次捕杀945头鲸鱼。Once again, The fishery agency of Japan intents to hunt 945 whales.

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本表数据来自宁波市海洋渔业局。Data are obtained from Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Ocean and Fishery.

渔民生活其中,渔业文化多采多姿。Fishery culture is among the most colorful in a fisherman daily life.

渔业资源丰富,盛产对虾及贝类等水产品。The country is also rich in fishery resources like prawn and seashell.

过去的50年来,世界上四大渔业已经有一个崩溃。One fishery in four around the world has collapsed in the past 50 years.

文章主要讨论了渔业风险的可保性,并对渔业风险的可保性进行了评价。This paper mainly discussed and appraised the insurability of the fishery risk.

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法医鱼类学在鱼类资源科学管理和保护方面有重要作用。It is important to scientific management and conservation for fishery resources.

海洋渔业是浙江沿海地区的一项重要活动。Marine fishery is an important activity throughout coastland in Zhejiang province.

本表数据来自宁波市海洋渔业局。Data in this tables are obtained from Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Ocean and Fishery.