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他碰到“大剧院”剧团里的一个姑娘。He had met a Bolshoi ensemble girl.

还有谁能脱掉这套惊艳的礼服?Who else could pull off this stunning ensemble?

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这外套、帽子和鞋子配成一套惹人注目的服装`。The coat, hat, and shoes make an attractive ensemble.

指的是一部影片的所有主要演员都是明星。"Ensemble cast" is all of the actors are very famous.

你的上衣和鞋帽这全套装束很吸引人。Your coat, hat, and shoes make an attractive ensemble.

我准备春天参加管乐合奏团。Well, I plan on joining the wind ensemble in the spring.

比起全体演出者,你为你的男朋友感到有多骄傲呢?How proud of you of your man here for the ensemble award?

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教授。室内乐及四重奏教练团主席。Professor, Head of Chair of chamber ensemble and quartet.

修蒙是在合奏第一的演员被录用。Schwimmer was the first actor in the ensemble cast to be hired.

细乐的演奏形式为独奏或小合奏,分硬软两套。Sanxu was purely instrumental, either solo, alternating or ensemble.

而杜嘉班纳产品主打性感套装和蕾丝裙。Dolce & Gabbana sent out a sultry ensemble of suits and lace dresses.

如果您愿意,可以匹配的合奏与黄色,甚至红色。And if you like, you can match the ensemble with yellows or even reds.

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教堂的合唱表演是由那个人领奏。That person leads the instrument ensemble of the chorus in the church.

这位25岁女演员的衣着打扮很好的展示出了自己修长的美腿。The 25-year-old actress showed off her long legs in the short ensemble.

该艺术团还曾在葡萄牙、摩洛哥、法国等国家访演。The ensemble also had performing tours in Portugal, Morocco and France.

他后退几步,端详着套在一起的两件衬衣,泪水夺眶然而出,刺痛了他的双眼。He stepped back and looked at the ensemble through a few stinging tears.

还日常风格中,它是能进行百搭的一个基础。In everyday style, it's a blank canvas on which we can base an ensemble.

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甚至剧中的大合唱也是我在百老汇这么多年演出中所看到的最佳作品之一。Even the ensemble is one of the strongest I've seen on Broadway in years.

乐团演奏满座房子是在中东和欧洲。The ensemble has played to sold-out houses in the Middle East and Europe.

十年来,丝路合奏团已在25个国家举办音乐会。Over the last decade, the Silk Road Ensemble has performed in 25 countries.