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但愿史前的滥交能精确被测量!If only prehistoric promiscuity could be precisely measured!

一只白顶食蜂鸟,这一物种的滥交比率非常低。A white-fronted bee-eater, a species with very low rates of promiscuity.

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大多数网民都很年轻,所以你会看到大批……来自中国。Most of them are young, so you see a lot of digital promiscuity coming from China.

难道这些特质也成了鼓励滥交的特质不成?It is possible that these same characteristics are ones that encourage promiscuity.

但三十年前,肯尼迪却能避过传媒耳目,不让其混乱的男女关系公诸于世。But, three decades earlier, John F. Kennedy was able to keep his now notorious promiscuity from the press.

黑猩猩,已知是杂交的物种,进化出强大的性腺来确保任何后代都是自己的。The chimpanzee, given the promiscuity of his species, has developed powerful gonads to make sure any offspring is his own.

他们这样对待你,是因为你同异民行了淫,受了他们偶像的玷污。Your shameful conduct and your promiscuity have brought this upon you, because you lusted after the nations and defiled yourself with their idols.

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武断地无视性乱行为的增多和性传播疾病的迅速蔓延之间的直接联系是鲁莽的。Arbitrarily dismissing the direct link between increasing sexual promiscuity and the rapid spread of sexually transmitted diseases would be foolhardy.

但这项活动却遭到了保守型社会和家长群体的严厉批评,认为这破坏了泰国的文化价值,并鼓励滥交。But the campaign was harshly criticized by conservative social and parental groups, who said that it undermined Thai cultural values and encouraged promiscuity.

如果我是正确的,与其说高收入导致了滥交,毋宁说一个自由开放的社会同时带来了高收入及滥交。If I am correct, it is not income that leads to promiscuity, but rather other characteristics of a free society that lead to both high income and high promiscuity.

而对于旧金山人来说,考虑到爱滋病,这一场景则是对不安全的性生活的危险发出了警示,其次,对一个地区单身生活的流行极其滥交的冒险也具有警示性。For San Franciscans , the scene trumpets the dangers of unsafe sex in light of the AIDS epidemic, and secondarily, the risks of promiscuity in an area alive with singles.

乔治枢机主教佩尔的复活节文告,安全套有助于非洲的艾滋病问题,鼓励滥交,是不符合的证据,是很危险的。ARDINAL George Pell's Easter message that condoms have contributed to Africa's AIDS problem by encouraging promiscuity is not consistent with the evidence and is dangerous.

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“如果把杂交看做黑猩猩社会的主要特征,然后把它换成成对组合,你会得到很多人类社会的重要特征,”他说。“If you take the promiscuity that is the main feature of chimp society, and replace it with pair bonding, you get many of the most important features of human society,” he said.

但根瘤菌与豆科植物共生体与地理环境的关系却很少被涉及过。Recently based on the taxonomy of a number of rhizobia , we discovered the symbiotic promiscuity of rhizobia and legumes with the difference of regional geographical environments.

为了巩固家庭关系,我们必须停止对滥交和通奸的美化,并让我们的人民重新认识到,忠贞的夫妻之爱拥有深远的美好、神秘和圣洁。To strengthen families, we must stop glamorizing promiscuity and infidelity and restore among our people a sense of the profound beauty, mystery, and holiness of faithful marital love.