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喉咙痛。A sore throat.

我的喉咙发肿。My throat swells.

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我的喉咙肿痛。My throat is sore.

她割喉了。She cut her throat.

然后又开始喉咙痛。Another sore throat.

我嗓子都发紧了。My throat tightened.

他清了清嗓子。He cleared his throat.

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我嗓子疼。I've got a sore throat.

他抽烟抽得嗓子都疼了。He smoked his throat raw.

你嗓子疼吗?Does your throat hurt you?

哈斯塔清了清嗓子。Hastur cleared his throat.

我的润喉剂喷筒丢了。I've lost my throat spray.

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他把喉痛传染给我了。He gave me his sore throat.

我是觉得喉咙哽住了。I felt a lump in my throat.

现在我的喉咙还在冒火。My throat is still on fire.

她的嗓子都喊哑了。Her throat husked for crying.

那只狗朝他的喉部扑上去。The dog sprang at his throat.

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是什么沉静了你的喉?What has stilled your throat?

一根骨头哽住他的食道。A bone has stuck in my throat.

骨鲠在喉,一吐方快。A fishbone stuck in my throat.