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并沉醉于结局的临近。And are drunk on nearness of the end.

主要是因为邻近中央公园。Its nearness to Central Park was key.

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以前,只要他一靠近便会叫她浑身颤抖。Once his very nearness would have set her a-tremble.

他们俩安静在躺着,享受着亲近的快感。They're just lying there, enjoying the nearness of each other.

他从她低柔的声音里感到一种距离很近的信赖。In the softness of her voice he could feel her trust and her nearness.

我们对罪的意识取决于我们跟上帝亲近的距离。Our sense of sin is in proportion to our nearness to God. Thomas D. Bernard.

我特别喜欢与海滩近距离接触,还有充满温情的弗里曼特尔小镇。I especially appreciated the nearness to the sea and the lovely town of Fremantle.

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尽管汤姆至少会离开三天,比尔却奇怪地感觉到他就在附近。Though Tom would be away for at least three days, Bill had a strange feeling of his nearness.

她能感到他的存在,一个强壮的人在她身边,她有段时间没有这种感觉了。She felt his presence — the nearness of a strong man, which she hadn't felt for some time now.

基于最优潮流与模糊贴近度的电力系统环境保护的研究。Study on environmental protection of power systems based on optimal power flow and fuzzy nearness.

因为离得很近,他的脸显得很大,从下面望上去,丑陋得怕人。His face looked enormous because of its nearness , and hideously ugly because it was seen from below.

熄灯之后,我们向对方讲述那些让自己焦虑的事情,从彼此的亲昵中汲取力量。When the lights are out, we confess the things that worry us, drawing strength from each other's nearness.

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随着终结时刻的接近,为了唤醒那些仍然住在低振动中的人,这种接触方式是如此的必要。With the nearness of the end times, such contacts are so necessary to awaken those who still live in the lower vibrations.

并引入模糊贴近度理论的多目标分类方法,进行卷烟生命周期阶段的判定。The different phases of tobacco lifecycle are judged by using multi-objective classification method of fuzzy nearness degree.

她朝他的眼睛直视一下,他近在身边,他的信心,他那温和而亲切的微笑把她战胜了。She glanced straight into his eyes, and his nearness and confidence, and the simple-hearted warmth of his smile vanquished her.

罗摩拉心里这种新悲伤的冰冷压力,使她格外留恋这样相互接近互相爱恋的默默的抚慰之感。The cold pressure of a new sadness on Romola's heart made her linger the more in the silent soothing sense of nearness and love.

普赖斯格雷夫称,这次地震有可能造成重大的破坏,因为这次地震震级高,临近人口密集的中心且震核浅。Presgrave said the quake's damage potential was great because of its strength, nearness to population centers and shallow epicenter.

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这一进步,由于当事者的年龄比较接近,所以比第一个进步重要得多,但也困难得多。On account of the greater nearness in age, this second advance was infinitely more important, but also more difficult, than the first.

其中一个最困惑的是全尺寸床垫,因为它贴近的层面,其他类型的床垫。One of the most confusing ones would be the full size mattress, because of its nearness in dimension to the other types of mattresses.

与现实靠得太近,对感情有过分强迫的味道,而想象呢,除非它能摆脱感情的影响,不可能有充分的自由。Nearness has too much of the compelling about it and the imagination is not sufficiently free unless it can get away from its influence.