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米肠子。M intestines.

对于所有米技术。For all M. Tech.

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我和你妈妈需要一些自己的时间,我们的就寝时间是9点。Bedtime is 9 p.m.

我是你的球童。I ' m your caddy.

我是彼得,罗宾森,I’m Peter Robinson.

我就是中邪了。I' m just haunted.

他让我做这件事。He made m. e do it.

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我即将去南加洲了。I"m going to UCCA ."

但是,现在才四点!Except it's four A. M.

现在的我还清醒。I' m level-headed now.

王先生有六个小孩。M. Wang a six enfants.

不,我是南京人。No, I"m from Nanjing."

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时间会证实我是对的。Tim would prov m right.

晚10点以后不用手提。No laptops after 10 p.m.

她生在滨海蒙特勒伊①。She was born at M. sur M.

你也知道我想要的是什么。You know what I' m after.

美国心理学家M。American psychologist M. L.

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我正在装扮成一个鬼。I?m dressing up as a ghost.

马白夫先生,您回家去吧。M. Mabeuf, go to your home.

我们的飞机10点起飞。Our plane leaves at 10 a.m.