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SPCA帮动物找到新家。The SPCA helps animals to find new homes.

我们怎样能成为SPCA的小会员?How can we become junior members of the SPCA?

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人们可以SPCA选择宠物。People can come to the SPCA and choose a pet.

在许多国家SPCA保护动物。The SPCA cares for animals in many countries.

SPCA为患病的动物设有专门的诊所。The SPCA has special clinics for sick animals.

如果SPCA检查员不来救援,这只猫会死去。This cat would die if SPCA inspectors did not rescue it.

SPCA的工作人员已经注意到狗儿们身上出现的可喜变化。SPCA staff have already noticed positive changes in the dogs.

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如果SPCA检查员不解救他们,这些狗将会淹死。These dogs would drown if SPCA inspectors did not rescue them.

每年SPCA检查员解救数百个动物。SPCA inspectors rescue hundreds of animals in danger every year.

动物保护协会为了照看无家可归的动物需要一些钱,”基蒂说。that the SPCA needs some money to take care of homeless animals,'says Kitty.

首500只登记小狗,均可获赠香港爱护动物协会85周年福袋乙个。First 500 registration dogs will receive an SPCA 85th Anniversary fortune bag.

爱护动物协会的奖章通常颁赠给勇于保护动物的人士。The SPCA medal is usually awarded to people for their bravery in defending animals.

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在2010年一个寒流来的晚上,沙米在师大商圈被一位SPCA专员发现。Sammy was spotted in the Shida area by an SPCA staff one cold winter evening in 2010.

请将入數纸正本及此表格寄回本会筹款部。Please mail the original bank-in slip and this form to the SPCA Fund-raising Department.

旧金山的动物保护协会我们去得也不多了,但是仍然没有放弃其它分支机构。We gave the San Francisco SPCA a rest but checked out the branches in other communities.

这只狗需要一个新家,SPCA检查员在街上发现这只猫和它的小猫。This dog needs a new home. An SPCA inspector found this cat and her kittens in the street.

基蒂的班级要去参观禁止虐待动物协会。小组练习,谈一谈禁止虐待动物协会。你们想知道什么再多想一些问题。Kitty's class is going to visit the SPCA. In groups, talk about the SPCA. What do you want to know Think of some more questions.

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她说SPCA经常会看到营养不良和体重不足的猫猫狗狗,所以一次就将两只极度超重的狗送进来是很罕见的。She said the SPCA often sees malnourished and underweight dogs and cats, so it was unusual to have two very overweight dogs handed in at once.

参赛者必须遵守爱护动物协会所订之规则及条例,协会有权取消参赛者资格,并无须给予任何理由。Applicants agree to follow rules and regulations of the SPCA and that SPCA has the right to refuse any participation without providing any necessary reasons.

SPCA是什么意思意思是禁止虐待动物协会。它意味着我们尽力使动物免受危险。我们保护他们免受人们和意外事故的伤害。What does SPCA mean It means the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. It means we try to keep animals from danger. We protect them from some people and from accidents.