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舒降之是否加重哮喘症状?。Does Zocor Worsen Asthma Symptoms?

再吵下去会使你们的关系恶化。Further dispute would worsen your relations.

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气候变化还将让空气污染恶化。Climate change will also worsen air pollution.

口腔粘膜囊肿会不会恶化?Can cyst of oral cavity mucous membrane worsen?

气候可能以许多种方式让这些问题恶化。Climate could worsen the problems in many ways.

如果不治疗的话,SCDS会恶化吗?Does SCDS worsen over time if it is not treated?

怀孕期间的生理变化可能使病状加重。Hormonal changes during pregnancy may worsen the symptoms.

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可见莫莫格湿地的生态环境及功能趋于恶化。The environment and functions of Momoge wetland go worsen.

于actos可引起或加剧充血性心脏衰竭。Actos . ACTOS can cause or worsen congestive heart failure.

随着高血压程度的加重。CVR were worsen graduately with the severity of hypertension.

组织的水肿和创面的渗出又进一步加重了这一紊乱。Tissue edema and wound exudation further worsen the disturbance.

但是如果你的症状一直持续——或急剧恶化——去看医生吧!But if your symptoms persist—or worsen dramatically—see a doctor!

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从此,他和萨基的关系就越来越糟。Since then, the relationship between him and Sacchi has been worsen.

然而,日复一日,夜复一夜,传来的消息越来越糟。But day after day, and night after night, the news continues to worsen.

不过,讽刺的是,大雨却有可能使洪和河的情况变得更糟。But ironically heavy rain may worsen their situation before improving it.

最让人恐慌的是,墨累-达令问题很有可能继续恶化。Most alarming of all, the Murray-Darling's troubles are likely to worsen.

视镜是必不可缺的,可是它们妨碍了视线。Glasses are, of course, an indispensable thing, but they worsen the sight.

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可能出现间隔症候群,这会使血管损伤进一步恶化Compartment syndrome may occur, which will further worsen vascular compromise

如果你已经有痛风,你的情况在服用环孢素后可能恶化。If you already have gout, your condition may worsen while taking cyclosporine.

班主任的“批评权”会否加剧“暴力教育”?Will the "criticism right" of the head teacher worsen the "violent education"?