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婚姻结束的标志是互相蔑视。The death knell of a marriage is contempt.

那事听起来就像是给她的一切希望敲起了丧钟。It sounded the death knell of all her hopes.

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这样的帖子就像给博客敲丧钟。That kind of post is a death knell for a blog.

但是妹妹,很多朋友都是利益相吸的,是有铜臭味的。The smell of coin is often the knell of friendship.

改变是我们的生命血脉,停滞则如同敲起丧钟。Change is our life-blood, stagnation our death knell.

教堂那边传来一声报丧的钟声,粗暴地打断了这些幼稚的想法。A knell from the church bell broke harshly on these youthful thoughts.

鼓励创新。改变是我们的生命血脉,停滞则如同敲起丧钟。Encourage innovation. Change is our life-blood, stagnation our death knell.

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已经知道丧钟甲虫会被幽暗地域的种族用作坐骑。Knell beetles have also been known to be used as mounts by Underdark races.

外交上的危机将为任何裁军希望敲响丧钟。A diplomatic crisis would sound the death knell of any hopes of disarmament.

对于某些人来说,通用汽车的垮台为美国劳工贵族敲响了最后的丧钟。For some, GM's fall is the final death knell for America's labour aristocracy.

之后一段时间,泄露的文字信息则敲响了许多婚姻的丧钟。Then there were the give-away texts that spelled the death knell for many marriages.

不注意跟同事和那些窥探你工作的人做比较,丧钟将为你而鸣。Not staying on par with colleagues and those vying for your job will be a death knell.

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这个庭外和解敲响了汞填充物的丧钟"This court settlement signals the death knell for mercury fillings," Brown predicted.

丧钟甲虫被古代达卡安帝国的武士军团作为坐骑使用。Knell beetles were used as mounts by the warrior legions of the ancient Dhakaan Empire.

这个庭外和解敲响了汞填充物的丧钟。"This court settlement signals the death knell for mercury fillings, " Brown predicted.

Hooper表示该研究并不一定是宣告轻量暗物质理论破产的丧钟。But the studies are not necessarily a death knell for lightweight dark matter particles, says Hooper.

科学发现男性除臭剂的生产制造商有可能走向破产的边缘。This scientific discovery is probably going to sound the death knell for male deodorant manufacturers.

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当年,许多观察家认为,2008年的恐慌为独立投行敲响了丧钟。Many observers had held that the Panic of 2008 was the death knell for the independent investment bank.

警察拆掉抗议者在那里过夜的帐篷,YolandeKnell在开罗报道。The police pulled down the tents of protesters who'd camped there overnight. From Cairo, Yolande Knell reports.

但当税务当局意识到这将毁掉克瑞奥斯公司的生意后,他们最终收回成命。But when it became clear that this would sound the death knell for Cryos, tax authorities withdrew the proposal.