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那么为什么选榕树呢?So why Banyan?

你说的就是这棵大榕树啊?You mean this huge banyan tree?

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我们去六榕寺吧!We're going to the Six Banyan Temple.

您可以看到一棵200年的菩提树。You'll see a 200-year-old banyan tree.

大榕树,月亮山,水岩。Big Banyan Tree, Moon Hill, Water cave.

大榕树又教会了我们夏天是什么。Big banyan again church our summer is what.

大牛,你看这棵菩提树啊就是人们所说的神树。Daniel, this banyan is the very divine tree.

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我们常到榕树下乘凉、玩耍。We often to the banyan tree shade and playing.

很多年以前,福州大面积种植榕树,这就是它得名榕城的原因。That is the reason that it is called Banyan city.

西双版纳的菩提树多的是。There are lots of banyan trees in Xishuang Banna.

小玲坐在大榕树下的草地上。Xiaoling is sitting on the grass under the big banyan tree.

福州的榕树象征着平安吉祥、造福荫庇、和合和谐。Banyan in Fuzhou indicates safety, luck, benefit and harmony.

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这些都是榕树乐于赞同亚洲的价值观。Those are Asian values to which Banyan will happily subscribe

着校园一角因为有了大榕树更美了。Wear the campus dime because had the big banyan more beautiful.

榕树即代表了亚洲的精神又代表了其经济意识。The banyan spans Asia’s spirituality and its entrepreneurialism.

还有那在围篱之外的鹿。There are the deer outside the palings," went on the Banyan deer.

BASSAM则喜欢光大的榕树,环境优美!BASSAM likes the brilliant banyan fig, the environment is exquisite!

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过去,大榕树为身心疲惫的旅人提供荫庇。In days gone by, the Banyan tree provided shelter to weary travellers.

132岁的菩提树生长在夏威夷拉海纳菩提树公园。A 132 year-old banyan tree in Lahaina, Hawaii stands in Banyan Tree Park.

哦,我们从大榕树身上又读懂了什么是冬天。What we read to understand again from the big banyan body to is a winter.