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他毫无希望地单恋着帕特。He's hopelessly in love with Pat.

我曾经默默无语毫无指望地爱过你Silently and hopelessly I loved you

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我爱过你,寂静地,绝望地。Silently and hopelessly I loved you.

上帝,他是无可救药地过时了。My Lord, he's hopelessly out of date.

伊萨贝尔和帕特失望地盯着我。Isabel and Pat were staring at me hopelessly.

泰国工人是寡不敌众。The Thai workmen were hopelessly outnumbered.

盖伯瑞尔失望地把目光移开,默不作声。Gabriel looked hopelessly away and did not reply.

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万一事实上我在爱情上没希望?What if the truth is that I'm hopelessly unlovable?

对一些人来说,所有这些听起来可能都是反美无望了。All this may sound hopelessly anti-American to some.

此外,印度还无可救药的陷入了军备竞赛。India is also hopelessly outflanked in the arms race.

桑迪是绝望地投入到了令人伤心的丹尼。Sandy was Hopelessly Devoted to the Heartbreaker Danny.

她说,喝了14到15杯后,她不胜酒力,醉倒了。After 14 or 15 shots, she said, she was hopelessly drunk.

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首先,我们人数因太少而毫无希望。In the first place, we are almost hopelessly outnumbered.

圣尼古拉得知,有个人因债台高筑而深感绝望。St. Nicholas learned about a man who was hopelessly in debt.

让统统歪曲的记挂灭亡吧,让我无望地迷失了路途。Let all crooked scruples vanish, let me hopelessly lose my way.

在经济正常时期,即使最无望的负债者也能归还一点欠款。In a healthy economy, even the hopelessly indebted can pay something.

据说他拘谨刻板,完全落后于时代。It was said that he was very formal, rigid, and hopelessly out of date.

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他依旧阴郁,险隘,无可救药地醉心于传统的智慧中。He remained gloomy, narrow and hopelessly addicted to conventional wisdom.

在母亲的坟茔前,我理解小弟为什么哭得那般绝望。In front of mother's grave, I knew why my youngest brother cried hopelessly.

因此过去天使与风投之间的明显界限已经变得模糊得不像样了。So the previously sharp line between angels and VCs has become hopelessly blurred.