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只用一名仲裁员仲裁。There shall only be one arbitrator.

他们决定找一个仲裁人They decide to call in an arbitrator.

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你方有权对任何仲裁员表示异议。You is entitled to challenge any arbitrator.

第三名仲裁员是首席仲裁员。The third arbitrator shall be the presiding arbitrator.

处理这件纠纷的仲裁员是我的校友。The arbitrator dealing with the dispute is my schoolmate.

仲裁员法律责任制度具有深厚的理论基础。The arbitrator legal liability system has deep rationale.

第三名仲裁员担任首席仲裁员。The third arbitrator will act as the presiding arbitrator.

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出于节省费用的考虑,我方愿意推荐一位共同仲裁人。We would recommend on the ground of economy a joint arbitrator.

简单劳动争议案件可以由一名仲裁员独任仲裁。A simple labor dispute case may be arbitrated by a sole arbitrator.

简单劳动争议案件可以由一名仲裁员独任仲裁。Simple labor dispute cases may be arbitrated solely by an arbitrator.

简单劳动争议案件可以由一名仲裁员独任仲裁。Simple labor-dispute cases may be arbitrated solely by one arbitrator.

仲裁员是解决双方当事人争议的持中立态度的人。An Arbitrator is a neutral person who resolves disputes between parties.

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当双方当事人无法就合同条款达成协议,则由仲裁员进行裁定。When the parties cannot agree on contractual terms, an arbitrator decides.

我已做了2年的仲裁者,我的工作是解决涉及土地的争端。For the last 20 years, I've worked as a arbitrator of disputes involving land.

仲裁员签发了有关合同条款含义的最后裁决。The arbitrator issued a final decision regarding the meaning of the contractual terms.

而第三名仲裁员则由中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会主席指定,当首席仲裁员。Then the third one is to be appointed by the Chairman of CIETAC as the presiding arbitrator.

简单劳动争议案件,仲裁委员会可以指定一名仲裁员处理。Easy labor dispute cases, the Arbitration Commission may designate an arbitrator to deal with.

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然而,这一时限可予延长经双方当事人同意或由仲裁员如果有必要。However, this time limit may be extended by agreement of the parties or by arbitrator if necessary.

你认为中方是否应该在印巴冲突中充当调解者的角色?Do you think China should play the role of an arbitrator in the dispute between India and Pakistan ?

可以通过评价者间的讨论或依靠另外一个独立的仲裁者来达成统一意见。Consensus can be achieved by discussion among reviewers or by using an additional independent arbitrator.