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我认为将是虚无主义。Well, I would say one ends up in nihilism.

对无极的否认会直接导向虚无主义。The negation of the infinite leads straight to nihilism.

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困扰之处在于虚无和基本信任的严重缺乏。Its nihilism and its unbalanced lack of basic trust are haunting.

无政府主义反对任何,社会的客观根据和它的道德准则Nihilism rejects any objective basis for society and its morality.

虚无主义构成了鲁迅的深刻性和复杂性。Hence the thoughts of nihilism formed Luxun' s profundity and complexity.

陶渊明并没有从现实生活中抽身退出,成为一个虚无主义的隐士。Tao yuan-ming did not get away from the real life and become a hermit nihilism.

它也不能被认为是虚无主义,因为没有什么可以被证明是不存在的。And it can not be regarded as nihilism since nothing can be proven not to exist.

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上帝既死,就再无神圣的道德法庭,谓之价值虚无。Since God is dead, the holy moral court no longer exists, which results in value nihilism.

这是因为发展中国家的菩提心方面的现象是不一样的虚无主义。It is because developing the Bodhi Mind with respect to phenomena is not the same as nihilism.

作为一种非理性主义的现代虚无主义,与近代唯理主义有内在联系。Contemporary nihilism as a species of irrationalism has its inner relation with modern rationalism.

但也有艺术家在沙漠中发现了从虚无主义的死亡之中被挽救出来的绿洲。But there is also the oasis that the artist is saved in the death discovered in the desert from the nihilism.

尤其女主人公内心的挣扎和反传统的行为,对“虚无主义”作了另类的诠释。Especially, the lost heart and untraditional action of the heroine gives a better explanation to the nihilism.

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在方力钧笔下,一个孤单寂寞莫的泳客则可能同时表现了自由、逃避的感觉和无政府主义思想。In Fang Lijun's hand, a lone and lonely swimmer might simultaneously embody feelings of freedom, escape, and nihilism.

其观点揭示了高等教育的社会流动功能既具有稳定性也具有虚无主义的特征。Pierre Bourdieu's view reveals that the function of social mobility bears the features of both stability and nihilism.

他在遗书中写道,他之所以结束自己的生命,为的是一项“虚无主义实验”的哲学研究。In the note Heisman wrote that he took his life as part of a philosophical exploration he called "an experiment in nihilism."

他在遗书中写道,他之以是竣事本身的生命,为的是一项“虚无主义试验”的哲学研究。in the note heisman wrote that he took his life as part of a philosophical exploration he called "an experiment in nihilism."

他的虚无主义将他拉回救赎的现实中,然而,这却是他极想逃避的东西。His nihilism leads him back to the fact of his redemption, however, which is what he would have liked so much to get away from.

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生活对于许昌昌来说,更像是一种哲学观念,他的作品透出一种后现代艺术与禅宗共有的虚无主义气质。Life is a kind of philosophy for Xu. The Nihilism shared by the Post-modernism art with the Zen is the remarkable feature of his works.

这部作品不仅反映了川端康成对美的执著追求,而且还体现了他浓郁的虚无主义思想。This work not only has reflected to Svenska Akademien the beautiful rigid pursue, moreover also has manifested his rich nihilism thought.

真理向前多跨一步就是谬误。把“流传下来的”误为“传统的”,虽一词之差,却隐含着产生文化激进主义和文化虚无主义的危机。An extra step from truth, thus, lands us in absurdity. That single word later gave RisE to both cultural radicalism and cultural nihilism.