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佛教徒国民服务学员排队浴佛。PLKN participator queue up to bath Buddha.

全我是旁观者,也是角色的参与者。The whole self is the observer and the participator in the roles.

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整个的自身是个观察者和所有角色的参与者。The whole self is the observer and the participator in the roles.

全我是旁观者,也是角色的参与者。The whole immolation is the observer and the participator in the roles.

同时,还可以通过分析数据,监视参与者健康状态。In the meantime, still can pass analytic data, surveillant participator health.

为了我们所有人好,我们应该积极参与水资源的保护。For the sake of us all, we should be an active participator in the prevention of it.

电子认证服务各参与人的权利义务。Part four is rights and duties of each Electronic Authentication Service participator.

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本研究可供我国工程项目参与各方开展交钥匙承包参考。This researching can be reference for project participator in project turn-key management.

我明白了。为了我们所有人好,我们应该积极参与水资源的保护。I see. For the sake of us all, we should be an active participator in the prevention of it.

多名参与者在香港、上海和意大利透过卫星通讯竞投。Many participator passes through satellitic communication contest to cast in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Italy.

文化展示中涉及到包括游客、当地居民、政府、民间组织及文化精英各活动参与方的文化协商。The revelation refers to cultural negotiation of tourists, government, non-government organization and participator of cultural elite.

观众,谁是在通信行业的主要受益者,也是一个关键的参与者产生虚假新闻的问题。Audiences, who are the main offerees in the communication industry, also serve as a key participator in resulting the issue of fake news.

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如果每个参与者都很了解游戏规则,可以用扑克牌“勾”代表法官,让每个人抽出一张牌并扮演牌上的角色。If every participator knows the rule well, use the card J to be Judge and ask everyone to select one card randomly and act the roles in card.

潜规则是一种在暗中进行,不能公开,却又支配参与者行为样式的一种规则体系。The latent regulations make up a regulation system that can only move in secret, and that cann't open, but it controls the action form of the participator.

然而,我国国有企业债券市场中参与主体存在的问题,已成为企业债券市场发展的制约。However, the problems on participator of Chinese state-owned enterprise bond market remains a serious obstacle to the development of enterprise bond market.

在体育产业运作的过程中,政府的角色只能是规则制定者及监督者,而真正的参与者、实施者应该是体育社团组织。In the process of sport industry, the role of the government could only be a law-maker or a supervisor. The real participator must be the sport association.

针对这次网络问答,白宫官员提醒参与者尊重他人观点,避免使用侮辱性语言。Be aimed at this network interlocution , official of the White House reminds participator to respect other viewpoint, avoid to use contemptuous sex language.

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支付系统行号是参与者通过支付系统办理业务的身份识别代码,由12位定长数字组成。A payment system bank number is a code for identifying a participator which handles business through the payment system, and is composed of 12 fixed-length digits.

艺术家本人以及参与者都将介入这个行为,同时也会邀请经过的路人共同参与,并让观望者自己选择凳子或椅子作为观望的平台。Both the artist and participator will join in this performance, and also invite passers-by to join in, and let the watchers to choose the bench as the watching flat.

吊销营业执照是工商登记机关取消违法情节严重的市场主体经营资格的一种较为严厉的行政处罚措施。Business license's cancellation is a kind of administration punishment measure which is to cancel qualifications of market participator that break seriously the law.