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你将怎么庆祝呢?How will you celebrate?

庆祝圆满成功。Celebrate every success.

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你们怎么庆祝春节呢?How do you celebrate it?

你们庆祝新年吗?Do you celebrate New Years?

今晚是一个欢庆的盛会。This is a time to celebrate.

“今宵,庆祝我们的爱”。Tonight I Celebrate My Love.

庆祝你的新开始。Celebrate your new beginning!

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让我们庆祝国庆节!Let's celebrate National Day.

了解它、拥有它、庆贺它!Know it, own it, celebrate it!

我们在卢加庆祝了圣诞节。We celebrate christmas in Luga.

奥古塔斯你怎么庆祝的?Augustus, how did you celebrate?

滋养并庆祝你的爱情!Nurture and celebrate your love!

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今日我们庆祝如上所述的一件喜事。Today we celebrate such an event.

每当学成什么就庆祝一下。Celebrate when you learn something.

苏格兰的冠军庆祝胜利!Scottish cham ps celebrate victory!

那就是为什么我们要赞美门捷列夫。That is why we celebrate Mendeleev.

你们为什么要庆祝两个新年啊?Why do you celebrate two New Years?

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你们在中国也庆祝圣诞节吗?Do you celebrate Christmas in China?

拿到钱那天我好像还要了个匹萨来庆贺呢.I probably had a pizza to celebrate.

杰姬买花庆贺她。Jackie buy flowers to celebrate her.