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那位风琴手拔出了风琴的全部音栓。The organist pulled out all the stops.

弹风琴的弹着风琴把会众送了出去。The organist was playing the congregation out.

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教堂风琴手可能以基础低音即兴演奏。The church organist may improvise on a ground bass.

他仍然是一个一生著名管风琴。He remained a renowned organist throughout his life.

风琴师奏乐将会众送出教堂。The organist played the congregation out of the church.

不久,他又成为管风琴在附近的圣尼古拉斯的。Shortly after, he also became organist at nearby St. Nicholas's.

他还举行了一次私人管风琴的多尼戈尔伯爵的地位。He also held a position as private organist to the Earl of Donegal.

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他可说是当代最伟大的风琴师和大键琴师。He was perhaps the greatest organist and harpsichordist of his time.

风琴师弹奏的赞美诗音乐把苏贝胶在铁栏杆上了。The anthem that the organist played cemented Soapy to the iron fence.

试唱一结束,他就走过去向风琴师请教。When they had finished he went round to the organist to make inquiries.

一燕不成夏---约翰。泰维纳,英国作曲家和风琴演奏家。One swallow does not make a summer. ---John Taverner, English composer and organist.

我就想当小学老师或者教堂的管风琴手,为什么要学习逻辑学呢?Why study logic when all you want to do is teach first grade or be a church organist?

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透过一扇窗,一盏小灯发着柔光,在那,不用怀疑,演奏者弹着圣歌。Through one window a soft light glowed, where, no doubt, the organist played a Sunday anthem.

路德维希·范·贝多芬1770年生于德国波恩,首先向宫廷风琴手伊登学习音乐。Born in Bonn, Germany, in 1770, Lugwig van Beethoven first studied music with the court organist Eeden.

后来进入小修院,开始学习风琴,从小修院到神学院一直担任琴师。After entering the minor seminary, he learnt to play organ and served as resident organist until his final graduation.

我的职业是教堂风琴手,结婚前我告诉我的丈夫一个星期我会离开他两次。By profession, I am a church organist. Before we were married, I told my husband that I would be away from him twice during the week.

几星期前牧师向他的妻子、风琴手及两个主持会务的干事宣讲那一天的教义时,会众的人数降到了最低点。A few Sundays ago it reached rock bottom when the minister preached his wife, the organist and the two presiding officers for that date.

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柔和的灯光透过一扇窗户射出来,毫无疑问,在那儿,风琴师的手指正游弋在键盘上,设法练好星期日要弹奏的圣歌。Through a window a soft light glowed, where, no doubt, the organist loitered over the keys, making sure of his mastery of the coming Sabbath anthem.

又是当地教堂的风琴师,而且她姐姐在幼儿教育方面也很有经验,“大家早上好”一歌无疑是个巨大的成功。And as the organist for her church, with her sister's expertise in the area of Kindergarten Education, "Good Morning to All" was sure to be a success.

他的有机建筑观集中体现在其作品伽考农庄中,并影响了汉斯•夏隆等人的建筑实践。His concept of organic architecture was represented in his work Garkau Farm, which affected the practice of such organist architects as Hans Sharon and others.