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往你头发上轻轻喷点水。Lightly spritz your hair with water.

可能还要再喷点科隆香水哦。Maybe spritz on a little cologne too!

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轻轻一喷,即可令皮肤焕如一新。A quick spritz will leave your skin refreshed.

在一个喷雾瓶中装上酒精,然后喷在车玻璃上。Fill a spray bottle with rubbing alcohol and spritz the car glass.

在一个阳光照耀的好天气,用这种溶液把杂草喷到湿透就行了。On a sunny day, spritz weeds with the solution until dripping wet.

可以在内鞋底上喷点发胶,这样脚在�面就不会打滑了。Try a spritz of hair spray on the inner sole so your feet don't slip.

睡前折一枝薰衣草的小花枝放在枕边或者购买一个薰衣草的填充枕头都可以。Find a spray with real lavender and spritz it on your pillow before bedtime.

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喷在窗户上,然后用纸巾或者软抹布擦干。Spritz on windows and wipe clean with paper towels or a clean microfiber cloth.

适当地摇动,并喷向脸部和身体周围,以有一个可爱的花香氛围。Shake well and spritz upon the face and around the body for a lovely floral fragrance.

如果橙汁变质了,在果汁的边缘会自然产生一些气泡。Natural carbonation or "spritz" will form around the inside edges of the juice container.

但直到你喷上这种香水,才能知道到底会散发出什么气味。But there's no way of knowing how you'll smell until you spritz yourself with the perfume.

或者,将柠檬汁和水混合后加入喷壶,然后在房间里喷酒。Alternatively, add some lemon juice to water in a spray bottle and spritz it around the room.

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随时喷于身体上,让香气不断延续,同时令肌肤保持清新。Spritz over the body anytime throughout the day to top up your fragrance and leave the skin feeling refreshed.

把自己喷的像一束栀子花是不会吻到男人脸颊的。Spritz yourself up to smell like a bouquet of gardenias and you won’t get the chance to leave lipstick on his cheek.

如果你是油性肌肤,喷点喷雾,然后用吸油纸或纸巾把多余的油光吸走。If your skin is oily, spritz some facial mist and blot away with tissue or use an oil blotter to absorb excess sheen.

你还可以用一杯水和一勺伏特加配成的溶液来喷在上面。Alternatively, you can spritz the chandelier with a solution of one cup water and one teaspoon of vodka in a spray bottle.

学习如何使用与专家的提示,节日食谱饼干请在此免费甜点烹饪视频剪辑斯普茨饼干。Learn how to use a cookie press for spritz cookies with expert holiday recipe tips in this free dessert cooking video clip.

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在不冒犯他人的前提下,在共享办公室里你还可以在有需要的时候随时喷洒香水。If it's not going to offend anyone who shares your office space, you could spritz a scent every time you feel yourself dragging.

活力四射,轻轻一喷,即可令人被清新的莓果和玫瑰的芳香围绕。We call it radiance in a bottle. A quick spritz will leave your skin refreshed and scented with notes of vibrant berry and rose.

乍看起来,无味香水可能毫无意义。如果洒上香水却不能让你拥有诱人的香味,意义何在?On the face of it, scentless 2 cologne might seem pointless. If it's not going to spritz you with enticing-smelling scent 1, what's the point?