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如何治疗末梢神经炎谢谢!!!How to treat end neuritis thank! ! !

什么药治疗肋间神经炎?What medicine treats the neuritis between costal region?

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我们报告一位33岁男性CIDP病人,患有反覆发作的视神经炎。We report a 33-year-old man of CIDP with recurrent optic neuritis.

目的探讨麻风性神经炎的临床与病理特点。Objective To explore the clinical and pathological features of leprous neuritis.

结论凯时对糖尿病性末梢神经炎治疗有明显疗效。Conclusion Kaishi in treatment of diabetic peripheral neuritis might have obvious effect.

目的为了探讨视神经炎与多发性硬化的关系。Object In order to explore the relationship between optic neuritis and multiple sclerosis.

本文对72例周围性面神经炎进行神经传导速度、肌电图检测分析。Nerve conduction velocity and electromyogram were studied in 72 patients with facial neuritis.

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目的观察标本牵正汤治疗面神经炎的疗效。Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of Biaoben Qianzheng decoction on facial neuritis.

方法选择90例糖尿病伴末梢神经炎的患者,分为凯时组和维生素B族对照组。Methods Treating 90 diabetic patients with peripheral neuritis by Kaishi or vitamin B separately.

目的从循证医学角度为前庭神经炎确定治疗方案。Objective To explore the methods of evidence-based treatment for the vestibular neuritis patients.

目的评价大剂量甲泼尼龙冲击疗法治疗急性视神经炎的临床疗效。Objective To investigate the clinical effect of high dose methylprednisolone in acute optic neuritis.

目的探讨硫脂诱导的实验性变态反应性神经炎病理和电生理特点。Objective To investigate the features of experimental allergical neuritis immunized against sulfatide.

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方法对58例累及运动功能的单神经病患者进行微移试验并随访半年。Methods The inching test was Performed at 76 nerves in 58 patients with compression peripheral neuritis.

混合型脚气病既有多发性神经炎,又有心力衰竭和水肿。Mix model beriberi has the much neuritis that send a gender already, have heart failure and oedema again.

目的评价鼻内窥镜下筛窦切除术治疗视神经炎的效果。Objective To evaluate the effect of ethmoidectomy for the treatment of optic neuritis under nasal endoscope.

目的观察微波并加压肢体综合治疗糖尿病患者末梢神经炎。Objective To study the effects of microwave and circulated compression to limbs for treating diabetic neuritis.

用于各种缺乏维生素B1。脚气,神经炎及消化不良等引起的疾病。Used for a variety of diseases caused by a deficiency of vitamin B1. Beriberi, neuritis and indigestion and so on.

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目的观察腹针配合体针治疗多发性神经炎的疗效。Objective To investigate the efficacy of abdominal acupuncture plus body acupuncture in treating multiple neuritis.

观察中西医结合对视神经炎的治疗效果及其对图形视觉诱发电位的影响。Combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine is one of effective methods for treatment of optic neuritis.

这些细胞散在或成团分布,多呈圆形、卵圆形和三角形,一些细胞具有明显的突起。The cells existed as individual or clustered. They were round, oval or triangle in shape. Some cells have obvious neuritis.