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内陆小国家,安道尔共和国。The tiny landlocked nation of Andorra.

两个月以后,他拖着脚镣手铐来到了安道尔的一座监狱。Two months later, in shackles, he arrived at a prison in Andorra.

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麦克拉伦的队员们在对阵安道尔的上半场比赛中非常努力。Steve McClaren's side struggled in the first half against Andorra.

酒店位于普林斯萨帝遵循安道尔传统的山地风格。The Princesa Parc follows the traditional mountain style of Andorra.

北行至拉姆斯盖特,然后横跨法国,穿过安多拉,进入西班牙。Go up to Ramsgate, cross into France, go through Andorra and into Spain.

也许是爱沙尼亚、卡塔尔、巴林、阿联酋和安哥拉。Probably Estonia, Qatar, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, and Andorra.

西奥。沃尔科特表示能赢下安道尔最重要。Theo Walcott told Setanta Sports that the result was all that mattered against Andorra.

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首战对阵安道尔的上半场比赛步履蹒跚,但之后一路扶摇直上,轻松出线。Cruised to qualification after a ropey first-half during their first game against Andorra.

他麾下的英格兰在世预赛上的防守不失球场次限于和安道尔以及哈萨克斯坦的比赛。His clean sheets in the World Cup have been restricted to games with Andorra and Kazakhstan.

她处在雄伟的山峰围绕下形成盆地的安逸舒适的环境中。Nestled in a basin ringed by majestic mountain peaks, Andorra displays an almost fairy-tale quality.

列支敦士登和安道尔周四双双表示了愿意配合国际调查的意愿。On Thursday, Liechtenstein and Andorra both indicated a wish to cooperate with international probes.

这一年里他共五次戴上队长袖标。并且在客场对安道尔的比赛里打入两球。The year saw him wear the captain's armband on five occasions. He also scored two goals – both away in Andorra.

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公众“要避免旅行去墨西哥或美国,除非对于他们是非常紧迫的,”安道尔·瓦西利乌说。People "should avoid traveling to Mexico or the U. S. unless it is very urgent for them, " Andorra Vassiliou said.

对阵业余级别的安道尔队的胜利是当时没漫天指责压迫下的麦克拉伦的转折点。That the win hacked out against the amateurs of Andorra while the terraces rained abuse on McClaren was a turning point.

作为一个较小的球队将赢得您播放更多的积分,所以不要惊讶地看到安道尔喜欢塔希提或功能。Playing as a smaller team will earn you more points, so don't be surprised to see the likes of Tahiti or Andorra featured.

西班牙处于欧洲的西南部,它和葡萄牙、直布罗陀和安道尔共同拥有伊比利亚半岛,在北部,沿着比利牛斯山脉它邻近法国和安道尔公国。Spain is a country located in the southwest of Europe. It shares the Iberian Peninsula with Portugal, Gibraltar and Andorra.

费迪南德已经被召入英格兰08欧洲杯预选赛对阵安道尔和马其顿的比赛。RIO Ferdinand has been cleared to link up with the England squad for their Euro 2008 double-header with Andorra and Macedonia.

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安政府重视发展对华关系,将继续奉行一个中国政策。The Andorra government attaches importance to developing relations with China and will continue to follow the one-China policy.

奥谢打满90分钟,而吉布森也替补出场打了半小时。他们在都柏林3-1战胜了安道尔。John O'Shea played 90 minutes and Darron Gibson came off the bench for the final half-hour as the Irish beat Andorra 3-1 in Dublin.

安方愿进一步加强两国在贸易、旅游等领域及国际组织中的合作。Andorra stands ready to further strengthen cooperation with China in such areas as trade and tourism and in the international organizations.