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沙巴或西菲律宾海?Sabah or West Phl Sea?

沙巴和沙捞越的自主权在哪里?Where is the Sabah and Sarawak autonomy?

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萨巴赫家族统治科威特至今已284个春秋。Sabah Family had ruled Kuwait for 284years.

您是否沙巴影艺协会会员?Are you a member of Sabah Art and Photographic Society?

这是唯一在沙巴州有此类型的服务的医院。This is the only hospital in Sabah with this type of service.

全沙巴洲华幼问卷调查结果报告。Sabah Region Chinese Kindergarten Survey Results, April, 2011.

沙巴民主行动党提醒巴都沙比市民必须要投票支持民联。Sabah DAP reminds the people of Batu Sapi to vote for Pakatan Rakyat.

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必达士的情况就是清楚的证据,沙巴州被国阵政府忽略和遗忘。This is clear evidence that Sabah has been neglected by the BN government.

两人只得又花了311马币改乘亚洲航空公司当晚的航班前往沙巴。The two have spent only 311 ringgit AirAsia switch to night flights to Sabah.

许多等待运往沙巴的大量货物被逼滞留在小码头。There are plenty of cargos stuck in the jetties waiting for shipment to Sabah.

我们要积极争取,为沙巴州和马来西亚带来新的展望与光明。This is positive towards a new future in Sabah and Malaysia with brighter hopes.

大批的难民涌入了沙巴州,这可能引起突急增长的背后原因。The influx of refugees into Sabah may be the reason behind the sharp upward spike.

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因此越来越多的青年人要加入沙行动党青年团。Therefore more and more young people wanted to join Sabah DAP Kota Kinabalu Youth.

林吉祥告诉他们说,沙巴州的土著族群一直以来都面对土地的问题。YB Lim told them that the land issue is the main problem facing the Natives in Sabah.

萨巴赫表示,科中双方对发展双边关系都抱有诚意。Sabah said that both Kuwait and China are earnest in developing the bilateral relations.

他说他们的参与将会胜任,也必定会加强沙巴民主行动党的组织。Hiew said their appointment will definitely strengthen the organization of the DAP in Sabah.

沙巴民主行动党于周末在纳闽联邦直辖区进行新选民登记活动。Sabah DAP is in the FT Labuan for the weekends to register new voters. Sabah DAP Chief YB Dr.

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目前,卡扎菲仍控制着其老家苏尔特和南部城市萨巴赫。At present, Gaddafi is still in control of their home in the southern city of Sirte and Sabah.

显然地不存在于在沙巴岛的砂劳越与出现可能由于相当晚引入。Apparently absent in Sarawak and presence in Sabah may be due to relatively late introductions.

沙巴第一间的心脏中心将设立在该私人医院里,这是个好消息。The first Heart Centre for Sabah is to be established here in the SMC complex, it is good news.