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这一楼很滑。This floor is very slippery.

冬天的路会很滑。Winter roads can be slippery.

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那小子是个老油条。That guy is a slippery customer.

这些阶梯因有冰而很滑。The steps are slippery with ice.

小心,岩石很滑。Be careful of the slippery rocks.

手感柔软、滑顺。Feel soft , slippery and suitable.

不要相信那个滑头。Don't trust that slippery character.

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我不喜欢那些油嘴滑舌的推销员。I don't like those slippery salesmen.

幸运的脚步是滑溜溜的。The footsteps of fortune are slippery.

有灵活的头脑,有油滑嘴皮。A quick mind, have slippery mouth skin.

天黑路滑,社会复杂。Dark and slippery road, complex society.

润滑,让蓖麻油更加的润滑。Lubricin. Makes castor oil more slippery.

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六只湿滑的蜗牛慢慢地滑向海边。Six slippery snails, slid slowly seaward.

假如路变滑了,再好也没用。It won't matter if the road gets slippery.

意外因路滑而引起。The accident was caused by slippery roads.

当时正下着雪,路上很滑。It was snowing and the roads were slippery.

天下着雪,路很滑。It was snowing and the road was very slippery.

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所以外面一定滑。一定要当心。So it must be slippery outside. Do be careful!

酒瓶子给父亲的汗水弄得滑腻腻的。The bottle was slippery from his father's sweat.

他安全地走过了打滑的石阶。He safely negotiated the slippery stepping-stones.