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观音菩萨在不在呢?Is Guanyin Bodhisattva Here or Not?

阿尔瓦,「明妃」说她是“菩萨”!Alvah, Princess says she's a Bodhisattva.

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比如,你的妈妈,可能就是一位菩萨。Your mom, for example, could be a bodhisattva.

为什麽观世音菩萨头顶坐的是阿弥陀佛?Why is Amitabha sitting above Guan Yin Bodhisattva?

今此妙音菩萨摩诃萨是。He was just this Bodhisattva Mahasattva Wondrous Sound.

观音菩萨正和鳌鱼搏斗。The Guanyin Bodhisattva is fighting against the turtle.

是菩萨能以无畏施于众生。This Bodhisattva bestows fearlessness upon living beings.

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此一切众生憙见菩萨。是我等师。The Bodhisattva All Beings Delight in Seeing is our teacher.

弥勒佛被广大民众认为是中国文化中的菩萨。Maitreya is a widely-believed bodhisattva in Chinese culture.

大多数时候,我们看不到菩萨的多只手臂。Most of the time, we do not see all the arms of a bodhisattva.

普贤菩萨又是佛祖三大弟子之一。Buddha Samantabhadra Bodhisattva is one of the three disciples.

他本人是泥菩萨过河,自身难保。He could not keep himself safe like mud bodhisattva pass river.

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受了菩萨戒你是菩萨吗?After Receiving the Bodhisattva Precepts, Are You a Bodhisattva?

佛菩萨只保佑那些肯帮助自己的人。Buddha Bodhisattva only bless people willing to help themselves.

昨天去求了药王菩萨,希望他的病早点痊愈。I prayed to the medicine king bodhisattva that he can recover soon.

还记得“泥菩萨”和他可怕的顽疾么?Remember the monk "mud bodhisattva" and his terrible skin infections?

寒山子的形象在中国经历了从“隐士”到“菩萨”的转变。The image of Han Shanzi changed from being a hermit to a Bodhisattva.

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传说此佛像,是弥勒菩萨亲手所制。This statue had been reportedly hand sculpted by Maitreya Bodhisattva.

此菩萨行时。十方世界一切震动。When this bodhisattva walks, all the worlds in the ten quarters shake.

灵吉菩萨得知实情,给他一粒“定风丹”再去借扇。Bodhisattva Lingji heard about this and gave Monkey a Wind-Fixing Pill.