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并非占星师才可以应用这些信息。You don't have to be an astrologer to use this information.

你应该找一个占星家,让他告诉你你的星象。You should go to an astrologer to have your horoscope read.

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在当今的信息时代,你的占星家可能就是你的“优势”。In this age of information, your astrologer can be your edge.

否则,占星家应作出适当的转介。Otherwise the astrologer should make an appropriate referral.

受欢迎的占星家苏珊米勒称这则新闻是荒谬的。Popular astrologer Susan Miller called the news "ridiculous."

在第177页,我们发现罗博特第一次和一个占星家相遇。On page 177 we find the first encounter between Robert and an astrologer.

让占星家为你提供定期的建议和辅导。Allow your astrologer to provide you with regular counseling and coaching.

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先去庙里问过算命仙才做重大决定。You don't make important decisions without consulting the temple astrologer.

在无法通过传统治疗康复的情况下,塞尔瓦库玛向一位占星家求救。Unable to regain his health through conventional remedies, Selvakumar asked an astrologer for help.

“徐氏家传命理医生手册”只许自己研究使用,不得翻印贩卖。"Dr. Xu 's well-known astrologer Manual" be allowed to use their own research may not be reproduced trafficking.

俗话说「倒楣上卦摊」、「卜必有疑」,这位前来问命的年轻人,问的是什麽呢?As the popular saying goes, "casting fortunes conjures doubts. " What are these young people consulting the astrologer for?

在248页上有一封来自于加拿大占星家的信,指出了玛利亚失踪时的天体星座。On page 248 there is the letter from the Canadian astrologer who points to the heavenly constellations at the time Marie disappeared.

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我据闻一些中国基督徒认为东方三大博士中的其中一位取代刘尚成为汉朝宫庭的一位占星家。I'm told that some Chinese Christians believe that one of the Three Magi was instead Liu Shang, a court astrologer of the Han dynasty.

随后曼迪看到了一个关于受孕星相学家尼科拉斯马茨的网站,声称这位星相学家可以预测怀孕的时机。Then Mandy read on a ­website about fertility astrologer Nicola Smuts, who, it was claimed, had predicted times when couples would conceive.

在占星家认为,之间存在着宇宙的演变议案自然共振,以及人类灵魂的发展。The astrologer maintains that there is a natural resonance between the evolving motion of the universe, and the development of the human soul.

那占星师能考虑到一个人一生中所有星盘里的全部因素吗?Is it possible for the astrologer to be aware of and process all of the factors involved in a person's chart for the entire duration of their life?

也有科学家认为猜测这是刻意的骗局,有可能是鲁道夫宫廷里的英国数学家、占星术士约翰迪编造的。Several experts also proposed that it was a deliberate hoax, possibly forged by John Dee, an English mathematician and astrologer at Rudolph's court.

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为什么,暗中颠覆贵冠之主!占星家和异教徒只有一线之隔,只要有人轻轻一推就快速过界。Why, to destabilize the Crown! Between the astrologer and the heretic, there's just a thin line that someone is trying to push you across very quickly!

医生们都束手无策,但是一位占星师跟他说,他被狗灵诅咒,必须和一条狗结婚才可以破除这个诅咒。Doctors were clueless , but an astrologer told him he was cursed by the spirits of the dogs. He could undo the curse only if he married a dog, the astrologer said.

在即将到来的这个猪年将会是特别的吉祥,因为这个“猪”是60甚至600年以来占卜家所推测出来的第一个所谓的“金猪”。But the coming one , or so many believe, will be especially fortunate since it is not just a pig but a golden pig, the first in 60 or even 600 years, depending on which astrologer one consults.