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以它全部狂暴激烈的表演,出于多种原因。With all its angry and vehement play of cause.

动作朴质,喊声激越。The movements are simple and the shouts vehement.

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她的争论更加忘乎所以,更加强烈。Her arguments became more desperate and more vehement.

这封加拉太书或者是他许多书信中最热切、最激烈的一封。This is, perhaps, the most vehement of all his letters.

主张上述监管措施的倡导者同样慷慨激昂。Advocates of such regulatory measures are equally vehement.

在其冷冰冰的视觉形象背后涌动着热辣辣的嫉妒之情。Behind the ice cold visual images are waving the vehement feelings of jealousy.

后现代思潮对历史研究形成了强烈的冲击。Post-modern trend of thought has imposed a vehement impact on historical research.

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那么,如何解释科学家关于这些游戏的影响之间的剧烈分歧?So what explains the vehement disagreements among scientists about the effects of these games?

大球的采用使得乒乓球比赛的对抗更加激烈、精彩。The adoption of the 40mm ball makes the competition of table tennis more vehement and splendid.

有人在弹钢琴,钢琴周围人声鼎沸,欢快。Someone was playing the piano, and the voices that surrounded the piano were vehement and happy.

什么巩固蒲鲁东的无政府主义是他的强烈不信任的状态,甚至选举政治。What cemented Proudhon's anarchism was his vehement distrust of the state and even electoral politics.

哈雷一点都不赞同“伊斯兰民族”组织的神学思想和其激烈的种族分离主义的意识形态。Haley was not at all in accord with the Nation's theology or its vehement ideology of racial separatism.

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他的人生与死亡不同于众人,而是更好,就算是批评他最猛烈的人,也会如此认同。He lived and died not like most people but better, and even his most vehement critics will admit to that.

未来的道路上充满了机遇与挑战,我正激越豪情、满怀斗志准备迎接。Future road full of opportunities and challenges, I am vehement lofty sentiments, full of fight prepared for.

越南高台教自诞生以来,在越南新闻界和思想界曾引发了一场激烈的争论。Since the naissance of Vietnamese Cao-Dai, a vehement dispute has swept Vietnamese press and ideology circles.

反动警察审讯她时,她针锋相对地对诬告提出强烈抗议。When questioned by the reactionary police, she came right back with a vehement protest against the false charge.

祥子似乎把全身的力量都放在唇上,爆裂出这两个字,音很小,可是极有力。All Xiangzi's strength went into blurting out these two words, which burst from his lips low-pitched but vehement.

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然而我在卡夫卡对整个宇宙发出强烈诉求的结尾之处发现的只有这么多。Yet this is just what I find at the conclusion of the vehement proceedings Kafka institutes against the whole universe.

自从转基因食物逐渐出现在公众的意识中,它们就成为了激烈争论的焦点。Since emerging into the public consciousness, genetically modified foods have been at the center of vehement controversy.

古往今来,不知有多少人为之倾倒,用炙热的感情谱写出一曲曲动人的爱情赞歌。Up to the present, it is unknown that so many people pour out their soul. They sing a lot of love-paeans with vehement passions.