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一股可口的豆子味儿。They taste deliciously beany.

一回忆起来他就欣喜震颤。He thrilled deliciously at the remembrance.

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这酸奶有一种香甜的奶油味。This yoghurt has a deliciously creamy flavour.

上面的火腿和咸猪肉蛋糕看起来是个美味的错误.The Ham and Bacon cakes above look deliciously wrong.

这是一种许多年后喝起来仍甘美爽口的白葡萄酒。This is a kind of white wine that will drink deliciously for many years.

中等至饱满酒体,口感干净且极干,回味清新自然。Medium to full bodied, clean, very dry with a deliciously fresh aftertaste.

这支皮革桨有可口地蜇的叮咬,和非常传神。This leather paddle has a deliciously stinging bite, and is very expressive.

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这个公式,像黄油和纯可可粉的气味芬香。This formula goes on like butter and smells deliciously of pure cocoa powder.

美妙的香味是邮迷人的香草柑橘精油带来。Deliciously scented with a luscious blend of vanilla and citrus essential oils.

在企业中我意识到一个有很大影响力的活动是召开网络研讨会。One deliciously high leverage activity I realized in my business is doing webinars.

画面和音乐都是以前8位游戏的经典怀旧版。The graphics and music are all deliciously reminiscent of 8-bit gaming days of yore.

好吃顺利,丰富的干果和雪利酒,平衡与木材烟雾和香料。Deliciously □□ooth, rich dried fruits and sherry, balanced with wood □□oke and spice.

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美味芙蓉和黑醋栗的,杏仁阿玛丽托味道。Deliciously sour hibiscus and blackcurrant support the intense almond amaretto flavour.

他那手的碰触令她感到愉快,甚至美妙。The touch of his hand was pleasant to her, and something deliciously more than pleasant.

这些调料有助于烹制辛辣、浓郁、具有独特香味的菜肴。These help produce dishes that are spicy, yet deliciously fragrant with a distinctive tang.

从埃及的街头食品到斯里兰卡佳肴,茄子被做成的美味遍布全球!From Egyptian street food to Sri Lankan food, eggplant is made deliciously across the globe!

你的肌肉放松且柔软,如此的放松,如此平静至极,如此懒散至极。Your muscles are feeling loose and limp, so relaxed, so deliciously serene, so wonderfully lazy.

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奥斯丁的讽刺层层叠来,品之不尽,再度翻卷,总会有新的视角。Austen's irony is so deliciously multilayered that every rereading will yield a fresh perspective.

可口浓郁的巧克力布朗尼盖满著新鲜水果是你最完美的句点。Deliciously rich chocolate brownie covered with fresh fruits. Perfect way to finish off your dining experience!

这张纸也许质地厚实,纹理美观,边缘参差不齐,纸面隐约透出细小的纤维。The paper may be deliciously thick, with ragged edges and a surface capillaried with tiny fibres of the rags that made it.