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圣乔治堂被布置得富丽堂皇。St. George's Hall was splendidly decorated.

那位老妇人穿著更为华丽。The old woman dressed even more splendidly.

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我们拜访她时,她总是盛宴款待我们。When we visit her,she wines and dines us splendidly.

除非是个顶顶漂亮的女人才配得上一簇这么出色的花。She must be a splendidly handsome woman for so fine a bouquet.

亚历克斯一旦安下心来致力于新的工作,就取得了显著的进展。As soon as he settled down to his new job, Alex got ahead splendidly.

他们的爱国行为使他们倍受尊敬的家族有了新的光辉。Everyone said that he had behaved splendidly and praised his patriotic action.

于是他露出含情脉脉的保护人的神气,低下头去看她,就象在歌德的剧本里埃格蒙特看克拉拉一样。And he looked down AT her, splendidly protecting her, like Egmont AT Clara in goethe's play.

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望星人看见湖对岸有一个灯火辉煌的美丽城堡。On the other side of the lake the Star Gazer saw a beautiful castle, splendidly illuminated.

瓶颈阻止你的进步,即使你的剩余部分做的很好。Bottlenecks are what prevent progress, even if the rest of your system is working splendidly.

这通体赤红、分外夺目的辣椒是湖南人热情的象征。This huge hot pepper, splendidly red all round is the symbol of the enthusiasm of Hunan People.

与此同时,在不远处,另一只漂亮的公鹿也出生了,同样长着华丽的金黄的毛色。Meanwhile, not far away, another beautiful buck deer was born, just as splendidly golden in color.

他们选用了颜色明亮温暖的桦木胶合板,由当地一位工匠用漂亮的技艺制作而成。Birch plywood selected for their light and warm colours, was splendidly created by a local carpenter.

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我家左边住着一位老太太,名字叫露西,我们的关系相处得尤其的好。In the house on the left of ours lived an old woman named Lucy. She and my parents got along splendidly.

水塔周围是利于监视、夜间照明和射击的平台。Surrounding the tower is a platform splendidly adapted for observation, night illumination and marksmanship.

一座建成年代不知的壮观古桥仍然横跨在奔流着的美丽原始的小河之上。A splendidly built bridge, a heritage of unknown ages, still spans the beautiful and wildly primitive stream.

他结合近年来的考研情况和教学情况,将各个方面给予大家精彩的解释。He unified the situation of postgraduate examination of the recent years and explained each aspect splendidly.

他们的装束和头巾在灰绿色的田野背景上形成了一道华丽的幻色。Their costumes and headdresses create a splendidly varied play of colours that stands out against the pale green field.

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在轮椅网球赛场,河北籍的两名选手发挥出色,赢得无数喝彩。In the wheelchair tennis athletic field, the Hebei nationality's two contestants display splendidly , wins cheers innumerably.

由于她最使信赖靠近的作家阵势可以说刮进了新的生命棒的乐曲整理。You can say that new life was inspired her most with the writer position which put trust it comes splendidly , music arrangement.

她完全忘了他周围的一切有多美,忘了太阳照着多暖和,忘了她的花瓣有多美。It entirely forgot how beautiful everything around it was, how warmly the sun was shining, and how splendidly white its own petals were.