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它们是许可证,税收和煽动性诽谤。They were licensing, taxation , and seditious libel.

但是,“亵渎、不道德、谋反、分裂、煽动叛乱、或恶毒诽谤”的定义是什么呢?But what constituted "blasphemous, immoral, treasonable, schismatic, seditious or scandalous libels"?

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另外一人,则因在网页写了回应评语,同样也被提控。Another person, Syed Akbar Ali, was also charged because he posted a "seditious" comment on the article.

炒通常以油作为传热媒介,其中又有生炒、煸炒、小炒、干炒之分。Speculation usually as a heat transfer medium oil, which has the speculation, speculation seditious , starch, milk distinction.

谷歌总部大楼里颠覆性的言论也点出了大公司和发达国家面临的挑战。The seditious scene from the Googleplex also captures the challenge this presents to established firms and developed economies.

在17和18世纪,不列颠王国政府起诉了数百起诽谤案,并且经常施以残酷的惩罚。During the 17th and 18th centuries, the British Crown prosecuted hundreds of cases of seditious libel, often imposing draconian penalties.

政府计算机网络不断扫描中,狩猎的单词和短语的检查员称为炎症或煽动性。Government computers scan Chinese cyberspace constantly, hunting for words and phrases that censors have dubbed inflammatory or seditious.

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政府的计算机会持续扫描中国的网络空间,目标是监察者们认为具有煽动性和危险性的单词的短语。Government computers scan Chinese cyberspace constantly, hunting for words and phrases that censors have dubbed inflammatory or seditious.

佩林说,“煽动性的演讲可以填满一个露天运动场,但是却没有办法保证国家的安全。Palin said that, "the seditious lecture may fill up an open-air athletic field, but does not have the means guarantee country security actually."

有诽谤性的煽动性的中伤性的需要被审判的书,在这句话里突然被透露出是有灵魂的。The scandalous, seditious and libelous books that need to be brought to justice in this remarkable sentence are suddenly revealed to have a soul.

“人权监督”谴责卡特尔因为其诗人默罕默德·阿加米散布据信对现任埃米尔有煽动性和攻击性的诗句而监禁他。Human rights monitors decry the imprisonment of a Qatari poet, Mohammed al-'Ajami, for spreading verse deemed seditious and insulting to the emir.

同一年,在又有一起煽动案被提交法院审理时,多数法官运用"明显而现实的危险"的标准,确立被告犯有煽动诽谤罪。When another sedition case came before the Court later that year, a majority used the clear-and-present-danger test to find the defendants guilty of seditious libel.

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邓布利多校长一再向全体教职工保证,两个正在被怀疑的家养小精灵完全可靠,大家大可不必去鼓动任何煽动性的行为。Headmaster Dumbledore reassured staff that the two house-elves in question were fully trustworthy, and would be unlikely to instigate any seditious undertakings. Prof.

1969年,法院终于完全取消了煽动诽谤罪之说,人们不再会因宣扬被多数人谴责为颠覆性的思想而遭受起诉。In 1969, the Court finally put an end to the whole idea of seditious libel, and that people could be prosecuted for advocating ideas the majority condemned as subversive.

确实,“豪宅”已经成为中国房地产业最具煽动力的字眼之一,频频现于花哨的楼书中,被众多销售员争相自诩。Indeed, the "luxury" of China's real estate industry has become one of the most seditious of the word, is frequently in the garish Loushu, one boasted that he was a sales.

在这三者之中,许可证是限制新闻的最早的一种形式,尽管对惩罚的恐惧和煽动性诽谤已经造成了人们的自我的限制。Of the three, licensing came closest to being a form of prior restraint of the press, although the fear of punishment or seditious libel constituted self-imposed restraint.

说实在的,许多秃鹰、吸血鬼及机会主义者,向卡巴星大喊,要他向苏丹道歉。By the way, those vultures, blood suckers and opportunist shouting at Karpal Singh, demanding him to apology to the Sultan, are they making seditious statement and demand too?

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许多国家已废除了煽动诽谤罪,并严禁政府实体提出针对污蔑诽谤言论的起诉,但官员个人有可能例外。Many countries have abolished seditious libel and prohibit government entities from suing for defamatory statements, even though individual officials may be permitted to do so.

由于美洲地区的陪审员不肯给公开真相或甚至发表观点的人定罪,因此,皇家官员很难在殖民地提出煽动诽谤罪的起诉。With American juries unwilling to convict a man for publishing the truth, or even an opinion, it became difficult for royal officials to bring seditious libel cases in the colonies.