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当然,理论家不高兴了。So, of course, theoreticians bristle.

他的禽兽行为令人发指。His bestiality made people bristle with anger.

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这是原有的可弯曲硬毛涂药器。Benda Brushes are the original bendable bristle brush applicators.

幼枝密被灰白色短柔毛和伸展的长刚毛。Young branch is mixed closely by hoar short fluff the long bristle of extend.

当被问及他们如何写作的时候,有几个作家难掩怒气。A few authors bristle when asked the inevitable question about how they write.

进一步,所述刷毛回转部分端头固定于刷板。Further, the end of the bristle curving portion is fixed on the brush substrate.

怒发冲冠的信介立即让夏美把小健接走了。The letter to bristle when the interface XiaoJian summer beauty immediately picked up.

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Sonicare的专利声波技术提供高速鬃议案。Sonicare sonic technology to patent the invention to provide high-speed bristle motion.

而且中国政府很不爽外界对北京空气质量的批评,特别是来自美国的。And the Chinese bristle at criticism of Beijing's air quality, especially from Americans.

那天下午出去钓鱼,小家伙第一次看见狗尾草很兴奋。We went to fishing that afternoon. This was the first time Albert saw green bristle grass.

任何关于你工作不够完美的微小暗示都令你怒发冲冠,甚至这种暗示是你想象出来的。You bristle at the slightest hint that your work wasn't perfect-even when the hint is imagined.

硬毛刷允许更大的承载能力、更平滑和涂抹效果。The bristle brush allows for greater carrying capacity and better smoothing and spreading action.

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一块木头上的纹理,一幅画布中残留着画笔上掉下来的猪鬃,一个日本陶瓷杯上没有抚平整的釉。A bristle of a paintbrush left stranded in a painting. The uneven glaze of a Japanese ceramic cup.

清洁您的超声波首饰清洁剂或用温水,肥皂水和软刷子紫水晶。Clean your Amethyst in ultrasonic jewelry cleaner or with warm, soapy water and a soft bristle brush.

第一和第二硬毛束分别与该第一和第二区相接触并且大致覆盖在该区上。First and second bristle packets contact and generally cover, respectively, the first and second areas.

圆柱刷使用不同的毛材料,可被设计成不同的尺寸,不同的样式。A cylinder brush may be constructed in many sizes with a variety of bristle material in various patterns.

刷持有人是指与金属接头件,其中对不锈钢刷刚毛是倾注了。The brush holder is connected with the metallic-joint piece on which the stainless brush bristle is poured.

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但是退出这个市场后,GE也许不高兴在电冰箱和微波炉上印有自己的标志。But GE might bristle at the prospect of refrigerators and ovens carrying its logo after it exits the market.

甚至是现在,想起那种辱骂和嘲讽就使得卡巴顿火冒三丈。Even now, remembering the taunts and gibes made Cal bristle. He had taken them to heart even more than King.

使用与自然媒体的毛刷笔触相似的矢量进行绘图,控制毛刷特点并进行不透明上色。Paint with vectors that resemble natural-media brush strokes, controlling bristle characteristics and paint opacity.