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款式也过时了。The style was outdated.

过期权利丧失原则。Principle of outdated be losed.

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陈旧的思想观念应当肃清。Outdated ideas should be rooted out.

企业家这个词似乎已过时了。The term entrepreneur feels outdated.

如今,那些框架就像呼拉圈一样过时了。Today, frames are as outdated as hula hoops.

关于“widget”一词的解释同样也是过时的。The widget definitions were equally outdated.

这么说吧,我们的装备老得掉牙。Well, you know, our equipment is a bit outdated.

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“影印”是一个过时的术语复印件。"Photostat" is an outdated term for a photocopy.

有时候,反向缩略语来自于旧式语言。Sometimes, backronyms come from outdated language.

质量无疑问,仅是式样有一些过期。The quality is all right, but theis a bit outdated.

他唱了一首不再流行的歌,听起来很奇怪的。He sang an outdated song, which sounded very strang.

嗯,这个颜色不错,但是有些过时了。Well, the color is all right. But it looks outdated.

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这些估计现在似乎已经没有可信度了。Those estimates now seem in danger of being outdated.

你该换掉你这个过时的手机了。It is high time you changed your outdated mobile phone.

但这个假设曾是基于扭曲过时的研究。But this hypothesis was based on skewed, outdated research.

薄弱及过时的管理决策许多问题。Poor and outdated management decisions have caused problem.

落后了,我们这次吃败仗了。We were defeated this time because our weapons are outdated.

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参议员去除演讲稿中的过时资料。The senator disinfected his speech of the outdated information.

对二战时期生产的过期血浆进行再加工。To reprocess outdated stocks of plasma produced in World War II.

朝鲜军队普遍落后于时代,装备很差。North Korea’s military is generally outdated and poorly equipped.