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正式确立合作关系将会促进共和国之间合作的顺利进展。The formalization of co-operation between the republics would produce progress.

这种了解可以形成业务域矩阵。Formalization of this understanding might be documented as a business domain matrix.

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俄语中数词“虚用”现象的翻译应采取灵活的方法。The formalization of numerals in Russian has to be flexibly dealt with in translation.

简要评述了中心语驱动短语结构语法所采用的语言理论形式化方法。This paper illustrates the formalization model employed in Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar.

对象存储系统的形式化研究将有助于我们对对象管理做进一步研究。Study of formalization for object storage system will help us to study object management in detail.

在BGC模型框架下,文章对角色进行形式化描述,并分析了基于角色的任务分派。In frame of BGC model, the formalization of role, and an approach of role-based mission assignment are pictured.

时敏目标的打击顺序是信息化战争下火力计划的一项重要内容。The attaching sequence of time sensitive targets is an important issue of fire plan under the in formalization war.

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这一章也介绍了有助于知识财产法定化的官方渠道。This chapter also identifies authoritative sources to assist in the formalization process of intellectual property.

薛教授提出的PAR方法是一种简单实用的形式化算法设计、开发和证明的方法。PAR Method is a formalization method of algorithm design, development and verification, and it is simple and useful.

辩证逻辑要真正成为逻辑,必须形式化,而形式化必须遵守形式化的“游戏规则”。The formalization of dialectic logic is the premise of its being true logic, which needs the observation of game rules.

在实际逻辑教学中,普通逻辑课程过分强调形式化,难以引起学生的兴趣。General logic courses in practical education fail to arouse students" interest because it overemphasizes formalization."

本文试图对专家系统使用的非单调推理及其形式化问题进行初步探讨。In this paper we try to explore the problems of the nonmonotonic reasoning and formalization used by the expert systems.

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非形式化是墨家逻辑的主要特点,而亚里士多德逻辑的主要特点是形式化。Mohist logic has the character of non-formalization, while Aristotlian Logic is mainly charactered by its formalization.

组织在多大程序上依靠规则和程序来指导员工的行为就是组织的正规化程度。The degree to which an organization relies on rules and procedures to direct the behavior of employees is formalization.

它不过是重定位和规范化大多数优秀软件架构师已经一直在做的事情。it is simply a reorientation and formalization of many of the things good software architects have been doing all along.

名词化过程也是语言形式化或语法化的过程之一。The process of nominalization is at the same time one of the formalization or grammaticalization processes of the language.

前置词的机用语义词典描述可为俄语文本语义分析提供必要的计算资源。The formalization of prepositional meaning can offer necessary calculation resources for the automatic Russian text analysis.

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推理关系的形式化带来了“实质蕴涵怪论”问题,本文对推理关系形式化引起的歧义和“实质蕴涵怪论”的产生进行了分析。The paper is concerned with the ambiguity of the formalization of reasoning and the origin of the paradox of material implication.

然后讨论了捕捉基于规则的需求的技巧,以及这些需求的规范化程度。The article then discussed techniques for the capture of rule-based requirements and degrees of formalization of these requirements.

福州船政局富于实效的规模化发展,无疑得益于其特殊的时代背景。The Foochow Arsenal is rich in the actual effect the formalization development, without doubt benefits from its special time background.