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果园的姑娘哦阿娜尔罕哟。A girl named Na Hanyo in the orchard.

让我们去往城让我们上城里去吧。Lase na ki ad urba. Let's go to town.

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娜木钟策划着为博古尔报仇。Na clock planning revenge for Po gul.

圣经也不适合给天真的乐观主义者看。And the Bible is not for na?ve optimists.

纳兰词中出现了大量的梦境描写。There are lots of dream in NA Lan's works.

你见过伯特顿夫人饰演格雷西亚吗?Have you seen mrs betterton playing gracia na?

德纳恍惚了,准备什么?Is the virtuous Na absentminded, arrange what?

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这边是裸电子的,是钠正离子。This is denuded of an electron, it is Na plus.

下次不要看任何有关张娜拉的东西。Next time never watch anything about Jang Na Ra.

当然n总等于nA加上。nB And of course n total is equal to nA plus nB.

我应该说一句,李娜不仅够朋友,还是个好女孩儿。I should say Li Na is a true pal and a good girl.

一个成功男人的背后永远有一个伟大的女人!Dietro un grande uomo c'è sempre una grande don na.

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再除以NA的阶乘,对B同样。Divided by NA factorial times the same thing for B.

楠凤也晓得了本人是娜丽夫人的女儿。Nan fung also see oneself are na li lady's daughter.

总的摩尔数等于nA加上。nB The total number of moles is equal to nA plus nB.

犹豫期内要求退定金的,不应适用定金罚则。Hesitate to take down the request, NA deposit penalties.

“那”生态文化的运演是一个极佳的例证。The usage of " Na " ecosystem culture is a good example.

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李娜,我想把你介绍给我的助手李辉。Li Na , I'd like to introduce you to my assistant, Li Hui.

由于李娜的表现,网球运动在中国越来越受欢迎。Li Na has been credited with popularising tennis in China.

那氏778诱导剂是GPIT技术的第一代主要产品。Na family 778 inducer is leading product of GPIT technique.