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它将会帮你变得专注。It will help you refocus.

转移注意力于其他事上Refocus your attention on something else.

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你最好把照相机的焦距调整一下对准那些小船。You had better refocus your camera on those boats.

今天我太累了,精神再也集中不起来了。I'm so tired that I can't refocus on anything today.

然后努力将谈话的重点转移到你的未来上。Then try to refocus the conversation on your future.

重新集中注意力——工作时我们很容易分心。Refocus – It is easy to get distracter and pulled off task.

使设计和开发资源重新关注于改进软件Refocus design and development resources to improve software

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回退一步,重新集中在问题的一个小部分上。Take a step back and refocus on just one part of the problem.

他可能会指出那些未认之罪或是让我们的注意力集中在他身上。He may point to unconfessed sins or refocus your attention on Him.

此技术能帮助将内存压力重新从主机转移到客户上。This technique can help refocus memory pressure from the host onto a guest.

大脑跟随运动,并指示眼肌重新聚焦在小点上。It followed the movement and directed the eye muscles to refocus on the dot.

他开始学院,但中途辍学,以便重新确定他的心脏和能源。He started college, but dropped out in order to refocus his heart and energy.

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如果想要你的生活发生持久的变化,你需要重新调整你的心意。If you want to have lasting change in your life, you need to refocus your mind.

当我们把生活中的纷扰抛诸脑后,我们更容易休息,并重新定焦在上帝身上。When we leave the distractions of life behind, we can more easily rest and refocus on God.

签名加入到我们的请愿运动中来,告诉政府是时候重新关注鲸鱼,而非捕鲸。Add your name to our petition and tell governments it‘s time to refocus on whales not whaling.

这本书帮助我们调整目光范围,看到我们作为一个民族整体奋斗和竞争的全局情景。This book helps refocus us on the broader context in which we as a nation operate and compete.

我们希望重新调整海外留学生签证制度,同时也保证签证条例不被滥用。We want to refocus the student visa system as a temporary route and one that is not open to abuse.

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如果你心猿意马,轻轻地把思绪带回到此时此刻,再次关注自己的呼吸。If your mind wanders, simply bring it gently back to the present moment and refocus on your breath.

然而一些狗可能会把暂停看作处罚,其它狗则需要暂停来重新集中注意力。While some dogs may look at a time-out as punishment others need the break to allow them to refocus.

移置是你将自己某些不道德的想法或欲望,以安全的方式释放出去。Displacement is you have certain shameful thoughts or desires and you refocus them more appropriately.