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在每一种环境。In every circumstance.

在任何情况下都不要行骗。Don't deceive under any circumstance.

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你必须使方法适合客观情况。You must adapt method to circumstance.

在什么情况下容易淋巴管堵塞?Below what circumstance easy lymphatic jams?

这种情况正在发生改变。This kind of circumstance is occurrent change.

息者一旦发现异常情况。Once the rest discovers the unusual circumstance.

我并不了解这闲言碎语背后的真相。I had no idea of the circumstance behind the gossip.

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均变说原理是以客观环境为基础的。The uniformitarian principle rests on the circumstance.

而情况正在发生局部的微妙变化。And the circumstance is occurrent local delicate change.

因此,陈海燕也再一次遇见了这种情况。Therefore, petrel Chen also again met this circumstance.

解释拒绝接受约晤的状况。Explanation of the circumstance that prevents acceptance.

请确保此情况下该库仍然存在。Ensure that the library still exists in this circumstance.

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个人如何知道在特定的环境中怎么做了?How does one know what to do in a particular circumstance?

大家好,我的的个性空间进不去了,请问是什么情况?My personality space into not to go, is what circumstance?

神圣爱人,在对等者中扮演了许多角色。Divine beloveds play many roles in the counterpart circumstance.

特莱得是头一个回来的,这对我来说,真是幸事。It was a happy circumstance for me that Traddles came back first.

在任何情况下,音、义在逻辑上都没有关系。Under no circumstance can sound and meaning be logically related.

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现在的情况就是骑虎难下。The circumstance in nowadays namely apt ride a tiger tough bottom.

农家常年用木柴烧饭,为老腊肉的制作提供了极好的条件。The circumstance is excellent for the making of the preserved ham.

试验表明,该监测器在高尘土的免耕作业环境中仍能很好工作。The experiment proves that it works well in high-dust circumstance.