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炫燿他们的艺术。To show off their artistry.

什么是雅姿营养系列?What is Artistry? essentialsearch. php?

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他是一位很有技巧、驾轻就熟的机械修理工。He played the piece with effortless artistry.

其次,布宁还采用了艺术综合性。Second, Bunin also adopts artistry synthesis.

雅姿科研队如何研制产品配方?How the ARTISTRY scientists formulate the products?

但是别忘了在西方文化里还有许多璀璨的艺术。But there is a lot of artistry in the best of the West.

他们表示,中国电影业的审查制度太严苛了,而且中国电影的艺术性不强。Too much censorship, they said, and not enough artistry.

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我们设想的家是一个创造力和艺术性的港口。Our home by design is a haven for creativity and artistry.

书籍装帧设计的艺术性和时代感是它的生命。The essence of bookbinding is its artistry and time spirit.

观众对青年人的才艺报以赞叹声、掌声。The viewers cheered and applauded the young man's artistry.

雅姿营养系列所采用的香料是什么样的?What is the fragrance used in the Artistry essentials products?

我们会试图在每个环节注入艺术性。We're trying to inject art and artistry into this at every turn.

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雅姿营养系列采用一种新的独一无二的香料。A new fragrance was developed exclusively for Artistry essentials.

地毯编织在16世纪的波斯到达其艺术顶峰。Carpet weaving reached its peak of artistry in 16th-century Persia.

评论家称赞芭蕾舞团的舞蹈艺术。The reviewers lauded the ballet troupe for its terpsichorean artistry.

作品充分用足玉料,表现高超技艺。Works with the full foot jade expected, the performance superb artistry.

雅姿营养系列所采用的香料是什么样的?What is the fragrance used in the Artistry essentials productsearch. php?

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创新和再创新的艺术演绎只是一小部分人的专利。Creative and recreative artistry of this kind is given only to a select few.

他以高度技巧和艺术才能描绘了荷兰的风景。He rendered the landscapes of the Netherlands with great skill and artistry.

这就要从音乐美学和艺术学的宏观视角来分析河北梆子。This acquires the analysis of Hebei Opera in the view of music and artistry.