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谷子已种上了。The grain has swon.

粒径分析?。Grain size analysis?

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粮食产量激增。Grain output shot up.

茫茫沙漠中瀚海之一粟。A grain of desert sand.

全粒面皮革鞋面。Full grain Leather uppers.

盘中粒粒皆辛苦!Dish in each grain is hard!

里面储满了谷物。They are filled with grain.

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压榨果粒。Two, squeezing fruit grain.

赣南盛产粮食。South Gan teemed with grain.

这种谷物是条播的。The grain was sown in drill.

粮食产量大幅度增长The grain production steamed.

那些燕麦已打掉谷壳。To separate grain from chaff.

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何来金黄的谷穗?Where grows the golden grain?

谷物和面粉都是种类物。Grain and flour are fungibles.

我是照耀在金色麦浪上的缕缕阳光。I am the sun on ripened grain.

碾磨机把谷物磨成细粉。A mill grinds grain into flour.

把这些谷物喂鸡吃。Feed the grain to the chickens.

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怎么样治疗纹唇后遗症?How to treat grain lip sequela?

五谷生长绿茵茵。Lushly growing are grain crops.

一粒米也没有浪费。Not a grain of rice was wasted.