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我挑战你来一场决斗。I challenge you to a duel.

这是中国对美国的一个下马威。China challenging the US to a duel.

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这张卡不能在决斗中使用。This card cannot be used in a Duel.

呃…不了,我不和术士决斗。Um, no thanks, I don't duel warlocks.

而他们的斗争部分集中在税收上面。Their duel will be fought in part over tax.

夺命书生,当年你用计打赢了我爹。Evil Scholar, you trapped my dad in te duel.

威廉先生向这位年轻人提出要求与他决斗。Mr William challenged the young man to a duel.

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无论是顿时格斗还是步行格斗,我都没有遇到过对手。For I have never met my match in joust or duel.

无论是马上格斗还是步行格斗,我都没有遇到过对手。For I have never met my match in joust or duel.

双方情绪异常激烈,以至进行了一场决斗。Feeling were so intense that they fought a duel.

两个队为争夺第一名打得难解难分。The two teams are locked in a duel for first place.

绝望的决斗!机动要塞超强音!The Duel of Despair! Fortissimo the Moving Fortress!

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在决斗俱乐部中以伏地魔战胜哈利波特。Use only Protego during a duel in the Duelling Club.

我在第二天的凌晨向你寻事。I chislenge you to a duel found on dawn the next day.

阿伦。伯拉在1804年的决斗中杀了亚历山大。哈密尔顿。Aaron Burr killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel in 1804.

新队伍“霹雳火”在第一天就给了王星一个大大的下马威。New team fire bang on the first day gave wang a big duel.

维德在光剑决斗中击败了这位年迈的绝地武士。Vader defeated the aged Jedi Knight in a lightsaber duel.

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文崔斯也在挑战杜库的对决中证明了她的技能。Ventress proved her skills by challenging Dooku to a duel.

恰好在那场关键的生死决斗之前感到状态不佳么?Feeling down just before that all-important to-the-death duel?

后来,由于德军力量太强,所以我们不能和他们硬拼。Later on the Germans became too strong for us to court a duel.