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我要来打扰你了。I will trespass on your hospitality.

可否借用贵报一点宝贵的篇幅。May I trespass on your valuable space.

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现在这里是一个公园,当时是私人土地。It is a park now. Then it was a trespass.

还有许多罢工工人因为非法入室和盗窃被捕。Many others found themselves arrested for trespass and theft.

“不要侵害我的财产,”邻居气汹汹地吼道。Don't trespass onto my property, the neighbor shouted combatively.

在这样的景致里,如果不学着悠哉度日应该就是罪过。At there, It is actual trespass if you can not learn to live leisurely.

和宽恕我们的过犯,因为我们原谅那些谁对我们的侵入。And forgive us our trespasses , as we forgive those who trespass against us.

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既有了名份,人就该知道自己的限度,不可僭越。With hierarchy being there, man ought to know his own limit and not trespass.

非利士人说,应当用什么献为赔罪的礼物呢。Then said they, What shall be the trespass offering which we shall return to him?

其中大多数是英国人,后来,美国政府忽略了这些针对非法侵入的法案。For the most part, the British and, later, American governments ignored these acts of trespass.

燔祭、素祭、平安祭、赎罪祭和赎愆祭。The burnt offering, the meal offering, the peace offering, the sin offering and the trespass offering.

你晓谕以色列人说,人的妻若有邪行,得罪她丈夫Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, If any man's wife go aside, and commit a trespass against him

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此刻,我总是成为这样一种人,不喜欢越雷池一步,可有时却发现自己越界了。Now I've always been the kind of person that doesn't like to trespass but sometimes you just find yourself over the line.

皮斯霍斯因被指在拍摄中非法侵入而将被逮捕,但他声辩说那个海湾位于一个国家公园。Psihoyos faces arrest for alleged trespass during the making of the film, but he argues the cove is located in a national park.

如果主导企业将财产权用于遏制“继任者”的改革创新,反托拉斯检查员有充分的原因介入其财产权。Trustbusters may have most reason to trespass on property rights if the dominant firm uses them to stifle “follow-on” innovation.

积极分子,Junichi佐藤,33岁,和naj铃木、43岁,被判定犯有窃盗犯,由青森地区法院星期一判决。The activists, Junichi Sato, 33, and Toru Suzuki, 43, were found guilty of theft and trespass by the Aomori district court on Monday.

中方边界巡逻严格遵循有关规定,不会越境进入他国领土。China's border patrol is conducted in strict accordance with rules. Chinese border troops never trespass on other countries' territory.

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奥巴马到达圣母院校园前数个小时,不断有示威人士闯入校园,但全部以非法侵入私人地方罪予以扣留。In the hours leading up to Obama's arrival, activists repeatedly marched on to Notre Dame's campus, where they were detained for trespass.

日本政府照会了中国大使,并提交了正式抗议,声称这七个中国激进分子无视不得侵入的警告。Japan's government summoned China's ambassador to lodge an official protest, saying the seven activists ignored a warning not to trespass.

自我,也被划进一个单独的空间里,小心地不去触碰别人的心灵,也不容许他人轻易介入。The self, now being isolated into a separate space, takes care not to trespass on the feelings of other selves, while refusing any uninvited visits.