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其中一个原因可能是他们的金融市场比较微弱。One reason may be the feebleness of their financial markets.

我承认自己的努力微不足道,但幸运的是我并非孤军作战。I recognize the feebleness of my effort, but fortunately I am not alone.

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也许他发现了反弹的微弱,显示了弱势。Or he may detect the feebleness of momentum during a rally, indicating weakness.

哈姆雷特的性格是复杂的,他的性格中既有软弱性又有坚强性。Hamlets character is very complicated, containing the aspects of feebleness and adamancy.

对旧中国的贫困落后和国势衰败有着深刻感受。At that time, I had a deep sense of the poverty, backwardness and feebleness of old China.

在对外推广其价值观方面,这个世界上最大的民主国显得忸怩作态、极其无力。The world’s biggest democracy is coy to the point of feebleness in promoting its values abroad.

对于谋杀三名Ahmadis成员的凶犯无力的回应看上去给别人带去了鼓励。The feebleness of the response to the murders of the three Ahmadis seems to have encouraged others.

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一位年迈的老男人,虚弱怪异地衬托了他的庄严,他面对着朝向东北方。A very old man, feebleness adds strangely to his dignity, stands alone, facing the darkness in the northeast.

对继承份额的分配的调查发现,大部分人持有公平观念,照顾弱者的传统也有存在。As the share of succession concerned, people hold the idea of fairness and pay much attention to the feebleness.

如果发生强电线与弱电线混线错接现象,将严重损坏控制设备。Danger if you find the strong line and feebleness line which are connected wrong , it will damage the equipment.

这些数据表明,欧洲的债务危机及虚弱的美国经济所引起的剧变伤害到了全球的贸易活动。The figures highlighted that the upheaval generated by the debt crisis in Europe and by the feebleness of the U.

更糟的是,这么做还显示了我性格中的懦弱,这与他那果决自信的性情是格格不入的。And worse, I've shown a feebleness of character in doing so, which his own decided, confident temper could bot endure.

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更糟的是,这么做还显示了我性格中的懦弱,这与他那果决自信的性情是格格不入的。And worse, I've shown a feebleness of character in doing so, which his own decided, confident temper could not endure.

有关微弱扩频通信系统的抗干扰性能分析及误码率分析在很多书中已给出详细的推导。The anti-interference capability of feebleness spread spectrum communication has already been analyzed in some reference books.

由于太阳能电池翼的大跨度,低刚度特点,加之太空中阻尼较弱,使得电池翼极易产生低频非线性的持续振动。Due to the large span, small elasticity and feebleness damp in aerospace, the solar panel easily generates non-linear vibration with low frequency.

论证认为在油藏水体不大、能量较弱的条件下,被水体分隔的油气驱动水体产出是油井出水的主要机理。Through argumentation, it's considered that compartmental oil driving water is principal mechanism in the finite water body with feebleness energy.

这个交互作用极低的发生率和极弱的强度,将因极大量的粒子数目而抵消掉,毕竟,银河系被认为是由暗物质所支配。The improbability and feebleness of the interaction are offset by the sheer number of particles. After all, dark matter is thought to dominate the galaxy.

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海浪由于在形成过程中受到物理规律的制约,从而呈现与海岸线近似于平行的弱边缘。Because of being restricted by the physics rule during the forming process, ocean wave presents feebleness fringe approximately paralleled to the coasting.

这些数据表明,欧洲的债务危机及虚弱的美国经济所引起的剧变伤害到了全球的贸易活动。The figures highlighted that the upheaval generated by the debt crisis in Europe and by the feebleness of the U.S. economy, was hurting trade activity around the globe.

保护剂在玻璃化转变温度和反玻璃化转变温度的明显差异,则反映了它们在玻璃化能力方面的强与弱。The distinct otherness in glass transition and devitrification temperature of five polyalcohols reflects the feebleness and power in the aspects of glass transition ability.