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你也可以在皇宫或教堂里聆听音乐会。You can also hear concerts in the chateaux and cathedrals.

你也能够在皇宫或教堂里倾听音乐会。You can also hear concerts in the chateaux and cathedrals.

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在法国逗留期间他们参观了一些古堡。They visited some ancient chateaux while they stayed in France.

梅多克产区最佳品质和最著名的城堡酒庄都位于梅多克高地。The Haut-Médoc is where the best and most famous Médoc Chateaux are located.

这也可能是他为什么叫做最好的酒庄产酒和最好的葡萄酒。That is probably the reason why the best châteaux produce also the best wines!

这意味着可以根据它的品质来讨价还价,差距也很大。It means that the quality varies from very disappointing wines to excellent bargain chateaux.

卢瓦尔河谷的两个小时巴黎南部的最集中的城堡在法国。The Loire Valley just two hours south of Paris has the greatest concentration of chateaux in France.

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之后他又去了巴黎,为一家在法国各地出售别墅和城堡的英国代理行工作。He then went on to Paris and worked for an English agency selling Manoir and Chateaux all over France.

我们很开心欢迎新的著名城堡和酒庄来充实卢瓦尔河地区的精品美酒。We are glad to welcome new renowned châteaux and domains to complete our selection of fine wines from Loire Valley.

这是土地的亿万富翁与船队的超级跑车,仿法国酒庄和高新技术太阳酒店。This is the land of billionaires with fleets of super cars, of imitation French chateaux and of high-tech solar hotels.

葡达特拉酒庄创建于1949年,是波尔多地区主要酒庄之一,出品高品质,优惠价格的小古堡葡萄酒。Established in 1949, Producta is one of the major Bordeaux producers with a selection of petits Chateaux at great value.

即同时具备“质优、价昂、稀罕、长寿”四要素的珍稀葡萄酒,是各大酒庄的嘉年名酿。It is precious wine with "Top quality, High Price, Rarity and Longevity" as well as renowned aged brew of main châteaux.

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那是他的第一次造访,一次四天的短期旅行,我们那时正在沿着卢瓦尔河谷城堡观光旅游。It was after his first visit, a quick, four-day trip during which we went to several of the Loire Valley chateaux that surround Tours.

持续在品质上大幅改进,目前已经被认为是超级二级,亦被公认是波尔多顶级酒堡。Since then the property has steadily improved in quality and is now a definite 'Super Second' and one of the top chateaux in Bordeaux.

当经销商从酒庄取得红酒时,顾客通常会在订购两年之后收到红酒。Customers usually take delivery around two years after the purchase is made, when bottles are collected by distributors from the chateaux.

同时易联合国际酒业与法国法兰西酒庄联盟、意大利撒丁岛酒庄联盟等多个酒庄联盟达成长期独家战略合作同盟。Ltd have built up long-term cooperation allied relationship with many Wine Alliances, such as France Chateaux Alliance and Italy Sardinia Alliance.

从五月到十月索莱依多克号航行在,贝赛尔和卡卡松尼之间,也会经过许多村庄,教堂和城堡的航程线。From May to October, the Soleil d'Oc moves between Beziers and Carcassonne, and the numerous villages, churches and chateaux which line the itinerary.

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巴黎人热爱自己的音乐,繁星点缀的天空,就是他们演奏的大礼堂。你也可以在皇宫或教堂里聆听音乐会。在巴黎,音乐是不会停止的。Parisians love their music. The starry sky is their auditorium. You can also hear concerts in the chateaux and cathedrals. In Paris the Music never ends.

或许你认为世界上最好、最贵的葡萄酒都来自拉菲古堡、侯伯王庄园这样宏伟壮丽的地方,然而,他们还有一个强劲的对手——“车库酒”。Perhaps in your opinion, the most expensive wines are all from the magnificent chateaux like Lafite and Haut-Brion. However, they have a powerful rival, Garage Wine.

中国新一代的葡萄酒爱好者在法国,无论他们是在拍卖会上竞投的拍在巴黎或购买酒庄在农村常见的景象。China's new generation of wine enthusiasts are becoming a common sight in France, whether they're bidding for lots at auction in Paris or buying up châteaux in the countryside.