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无重状态是零重力。The weightlessness is zero gravity.

两个半的航班将提供5分钟的失重状态。The 2.5-hour flights will offer five minutes of weightlessness.

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半秒钟的失重状态,可是有代价的。You have to pay a price for this half a second of weightlessness.

不过他喜欢在水下失重的感觉和冒险时带给他内心的那种兴奋。He loved thefeeling of weightlessness and the excitement and adventure of it all.

这种大版式的灯将不会对栽培的土表施加过多的重量。This condition of large – format lamp will produce an effect of weightlessness on the cultivated surface.

甚至好莱坞也来凑过热闹,用这些飞行模式把失重状态搬上银幕。Even Hollywood has gotten into the act, using these flights to depict weightlessness on the silver screen.

实验设置了两组老鼠,都放置于模拟失重的环境中。The study took two sets of rats, both of who were subjected to an environment that simulated weightlessness.

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阳台悬在高处,给人以失重和“一览众山小”的体验。A balcony that hangs really high, offering a great feeling of weightlessness and broad views of the landscape.

反弹到空中,所以马上又变成失重状态,来回振动。So it goes back into the air so it goes immediately to weightlessness again and then it oscillates back and forth.

目的观察模拟失重对大鼠后肢血管床血管反应性的影响。Objective To investigate the alterations in vasoreactivity of hindlimb arterial bed after simulated weightlessness.

他热爱深海潜水,水下的失重状态和千奇百怪的生命体给了他最接近漫游外太空的感觉。He came closest to visiting alien worlds through his love of deep-sea diving, its weightlessness and strange life forms.

目的采用体内分子示踪方法观察尾吊大鼠胫骨骨陷窝小管液流改变及施加力负荷后的变化。Objective To investigate the effects of simulated weightlessness and mechanical loading on bone interstitial fluid flow.

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宇航员们同时也用旋转陀螺仪和摇摆球上的绳子来展示失重影响运动中的物体。The astronauts also spun gyroscopes and swung a ball on its tether to show how weightlessness affects objects in motion.

第四就是在天上排除大小便是一个很麻烦的事情,弄不好失重状态下飞得到处都是。The fourth is in heaven rule out the toilet is a very troublesome thing, fix a state of weightlessness flying everywhere.

麻省理工和欧洲航天局已经对这种宇航服进行了数分钟的失重抛物飞行测试。MIT and the European Space Agency have tested the new skinsuit during minutes of weightlessness on parabolic aircraft rides.

还增加了戏剧是的'V'形钢栏,支持这个角落加强失重印象。Also adding to the drama is the 'V' shaped steel column that supports this corner reinforcing the impression of weightlessness.

飞行过程是完全自动化的,但是如果失重令加加林情绪失控随之打乱预定程序控制该怎么办?The flight was to be fully automatic, but what if weightlessness caused Gagarin to go mad and override the programmed controls?

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过去,老布什总统的科学顾问曾问起在无重力或微重力环境下进行科学实验的收益。Once, President George H.W. Bush's science adviser was asked about the benefits of doing experiments in weightlessness and microgravity.

该气田腐蚀主要有硫化物应力腐蚀和酸性气体的电化学失重腐蚀两类。In this gas field, there are mainly two kinds of corrosion—sulfide stress corrosion and electrochemical weightlessness corrosion by sour gas.

到时候那架波音727喷气式客机将从36000英尺高处以自由落体方式降落到24000英尺处,随后再重新飞回高处,这样乘客们就会感受一阵子失重的感觉。The jet plummets from 36,000 feet to 24,000 feet and then climbs back up--allowing passengers on the Boeing 727 to experience weightlessness.