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这个词以辅音结尾。The word ends in a consonant.

找出辅音连缀的单词。Find the words with consonant clusters.

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这样呢,和谐还是不和谐?What about that?Consonant or dissonant?

辅音可发声也可不发声。A consonant can either be unvoiced or voiced.

是协和的还是不协和的音乐呢And is it consonant music or dissonant music?

他对这个问题的看法和我是一致的。His view on the issue is consonant with mine.

发音时,双唇运动的辅音。The pronunciation of a consonant with an aspirate.

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是鼻韵母。n是舌尖鼻音韵尾,也叫前鼻音韵尾。N is an alveolar nasal consonant or a front nasal consonant.

以子音开头的字比较容易学。Words that begin with a consonant sound were easier to learn.

包含两个特别的单元,提供字首与字尾子音群的练习。Two special units focusing on initial and final consonant clusters.

不谐和的音调或和弦向和谐的音调或和弦的过渡。The progression of a dissonant tone or chord to a consonant tone or chord.

在同一个音节中,当元音字母后紧跟着一个辅音字母时,它发第一个音。A vowel says its first sound when followed by a consonant in the same syllable.

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把这个辅音和后面的一个词的元音连起来读,这叫做连读。Link this consonant with the vowel of the next word. This is what we call liaison.

这里也出现了由辅音和元音形成的连读,能听出来吗?We also have an example of consonant to vowel linking in the phrase, can you hear it?

下沉量和水平移动量的分形插值拟合曲线与实测岩移数据吻合较好。The fractal interpolating fitting curves are well consonant with the observation data.

有人问我,那么为什么有些音符是和音而有些不协调呢“Someone asked me, "Well,why are some notes consonant and why are other notes dissonant?"

辅音组合可以在词首或词尾出现,它可以包含两至三个辅音。Consonant clusters can be at the beginning or the end of a word and have two or three consonants.

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代词il和ils简化成y,而elle和elles当后跟辅音时则简化为è。The pronouns il and ils reduce to y, while elle and elles reduce to è when followed by a consonant.

今天,实现中国的统一,是人心所向,大势所趋。Reunification of China today is consonant with popular sentiment and the general trend of development.

有特定的行为者与思想-型态们与这个法则的理解和实践相调和。There are certain behaviors and thought-forms consonant with the understanding and practice of this law.