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如何将对效率的激励作用体制化、恒长化?。How to systematize the impelling effect of efficiency?

让监管环境系统化和合理化。Systematize and streamline the regulatory environment.

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系统化工作的人有优势。Those who worked to systematize things had an advantage.

将一个受欢迎的服务系统化,做成一件可再生的产品。Systematize a popular service into a reproducible product.

我们必须使我们的文件系统化,这样我就容易找到往来信件。We have to systematize our filing so it is easier to find correspondence.

每位同学需撰写书面报告,以系统化归纳他们的学习所得。And, by writing report, all students will learning how to systematize their learning.

是知识分子把生活放到了框架里,他们计划让生活系统化。It is the intellectuals who put life in a frame, who have a scheme to systematize it.

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网络技术创新是一个系统演变的进性过程。The network technological innovation is a course step by step of systematize evolution.

这个插件无疑是系统化归档的重要插件之一。This basic plugin is undoubtedly one of the important plugins to systematize the archives.

他们知道,妇女享有改变自己的风格都常常为什么不系统化它。They know that women enjoy a change to their style every so often so why not systematize it.

如何对之进行系统化的总结,并将之运用于现实实践使之升华,将是本文所要解决的问题。So, how to systematize and apply them to the reality will be the main contents of this paper.

还要设置完善的审核机制,使其严格化、系统化。Still need to establish to examine a mechanism perfectly, make it to turn, systematize strictly.

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哲学范畴的理性大厦,是人在实践中所创造的观念体系及其观念产品。Rational, philosophical categories are a byproduct of human praxis and effort to systematize concepts.

它不但可以帮助你整理你的电脑桌,它还能像其他键盘一样正常工作。It not only helps to systematize your computer table but it also works like any normal keyboard as well.

必须预防为主,常抓不懈,使疾控实验室安全管理工作标准化、制度化和规范化。We must give priority to safety prevention, and never slackening, in order to standardize and systematize.

这本书第一次把古代几何和现代几何加以综合,并把这个庞大的知识体系加以系统化。This book was the first to synthesize ancient and modern geometry and systematize this vast body of knowledge.

“宗族建设”与“宗族组织化”的研究在增长,这是对于宗族制度研究的活化。The studies of clan' s building and clan' s systematize are increasing which are the living studies on the clan.

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密码管理器XP是专门帮助人们建立系统化和存储有价值的信息安全计划。Password Manager XP is a program specially created to help people systematize and store securely valuable information.

从心理咨询与治疗的整合研究中获得的“折衷主义的元理论态度”对于教学知识体系的整合研究是可行的。The meta-theoretical attitude of eclecticism attained from the study on integration of consultation methods may be feasible to systematize the course.

建设社会主义新农村,要适时的把党的政策制度化、法律化,达到政策和法律的有效互动。Building socialistic new countryside have to timely systematize and legalize the party's policy and to reach the goal of policy and law to be interactive.