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在功能上具有定位、定情、定向的作用。In function, it can locate, emotionally set and orientate.

内部会计控制的功能如何定位?How do we orientate the function of internal accounting control?

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玛丽感到陌生的地方难以辨别方向。Mary found it difficult to orientate herself in a strange place.

新同学要花一定的时间来熟悉校园生活。It takes new students a while to orientate themselves to college life.

假如你外出散步时迷了路,试著利用太阳来找出自己的位置。If you get lost while you are out walking, try to use the sun to orientate yourself.

积极推进精益生产方式的利用,适应多品种小批量生产。Forwardly push the usage of Lean Production mode, orientate multi-species short run production.

万能蜂窝底板,活动顶针活动支撑块,灵活定位PCB,方便印刷双面PCB。Beehive bottom board, thimbles move support board, agile orientate PCB, easy to print dual sides PCB.

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如果探测到金属目标则对模板倒相,实现金属目标的准确定位。If there is a metal object, it inversed the phase of the template to orientate the metal object exactly.

在经济全球化时代,中国文化必须找凖自己在世界大格局中的定位。In the era of economy globalism, Chinese culture must correctly orientate itself in the worldwide cultures.

在经济发展过程中如何定位人权,将从根本上决定经济的发展水平。How to orientate human rights in economic development course determines basically the economic development lever.

网站要设置网站地图。网站地图给用户提供了快速、方便确定所处位置的可能。Don't leave your site without a site map. The site map gives user the possibility to orientate fast and easy on it.

没有3G限制了设备的地图能力和空间定位能力来使用增强现实应用程序。No-3G limits the device's mapping capabilities and its ability to spatially orientate for using augmented reality applications.

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设计者不仅对使用者的坐姿和坐乘感受进行设计,而且也对使用者的行为和社会角色进行定位。Designers not only design the posture and feelings of sitting and riding, but also orientate the user's action and social roles.

目的从分子水平上揭示生态环境对泽泻“道地性”的影响。Objective To reveal the effect of ecological environment on trueborn quality of rhizoma of Alisma orientate from molecular level.

21世纪初叶,启动中国经济的对策取向或基点选择是优化、提升供给,走供给主动之路。So in the early 21stcentury China should orientate the countermeasures towards optimizing the supply and go the way to active supply.

礼拜堂遵循传统的礼堂布局,让听众能够看到神父并更加靠近讲台。Arranged in an auditorium style, the worship hall aims to orientate the audience to the minster, bringing its audience closer to the stage.

今后需长期进行定量监测土壤生物对土壤环境的指标作用,为关键指标生物的认识和数据库的建立奠定基础。It is necessary to orientate and quantify diversified soil organism so as to recognize well the biological indicator and establish date bases.

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约束型的漫游控制方法能极大的辅助使用者迅速、便捷的定位目标位置,实现在大尺度场景中对观察对象的精确定位。The constrained mode can orientate user desired position conveniently and quickly, and precisely positioning the observer in large scale scene.

汉语语法学界对三个平面的理论有种种不同的定位,对三个平面的关系有种种不同的理解。Scholars within the circle of Chinese grammarians orientate the theory of three planes differently and understand the relations of the planes differently.

本试验系上黄试验区农林牧优化生态经济结构试验的一个组成部分。This experiment is a part of orientate experiment of optimum farming, forestry and animal-husbandry structure on both ecology and economy at loess hilly area.