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血雉喜选择灌木夜栖。Blood Pheasant preferred to roost in shrub.

那“闹”声把一群栖息着的鸟吓得都飞走了。The noise alarmed the whole roost into flight.

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然而罗伯特·穆加贝终究会恶贯满盈。Yet Robert Mugabe’s crimes are finally coming home to roost.

他为他那番“作恶者必自毙”的言论进行辩护。He defended his remark about "chickens coming home to roost".

支起巢箱,给比较小的鸟们提供栖息处。Put up nest boxes to provide roost sites for the smaller birds.

孔雀不管大小,都善于飞行,晚上在树上栖息。Peafowl fly well despite their size, and roost in trees at night.

实际上,并没有栖息高峰这一回事,鸟儿终年栖息。In fact, there is not a peak roosting time. The birds roost all year.

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现在你转过头到处都能见到小鸡来家为被烤。Everywhere you turn now, you are seeing chickens coming home to roost.

在一个废弃的村庄有一只防熊的栅栏,是一个苹果花园的。In an abandoned village there is a bear rules the roost of apple garden.

佐利克表示,美国再也无法依靠美元主宰世界了。America, Zoellick says, can no longer rely on the dollar ruling the roost.

小鸡挥动着爪子跳到栖木上,稚嫩的翅膀不停拍打着the chicken flapping claws onto the roost its wings whelping and walloping

有些人就栖息在街边人行道上以兜售一堆一堆的破烂蔬菜为生。Some would roost along the sidewalks selling piles of rotten old vegetables.

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但是无论他如何严正的生命,狮鹫之巢的骑士依旧洗脱不了嫌疑。However loud his protestations the Knight of Griffin's Roost remained suspect.

秃鹰和鱼鹰在砾石河岸边的棉白杨林中栖息下来。Bald eagles and ospreys roost in the old cottonwoods that line the gravel shores.

掌管集中营卧室的女士们确实就是伦敦社会的女皇。The ladies who ruled the roost at Almack's were the de-fact queens of London society.

Nuttall称,这些鸟大群大群地栖息在一起,飞翔迅速,但夜间视力很差。Such birds roost in vast numbers, fly fast and have poor night eyesight, Nuttall said.

事实上,自迈克尔•乔丹称雄以来NBA的品牌就没那么响亮过。The fact is, the NBA brand hasn't been this strong since Michael Jordan ruled the roost.

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他还说,“我自己作为一个在农场长大的孩子,小鸡回窝休息从没让我感到悲伤。He added, “Being an old farm boy myself, chickens coming home to roost never did make me sad.

喜欢埘花弄草的主人还可以在这里孕育一个小花园,成为名副其实的空中花园了。Hen roost like flowers or masters can get here about a small garden, a veritable sky gardens.

应改换马的饲料槽和饮水槽位置,使它们远离蝙蝠进食或栖息的地方。Horse feed and water troughs should be relocated to areas away from where bats feed or roost.