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怎样才能搭一个室外音乐台呢?How do you make a bandstand?

迪克·克拉克的“美国音乐台“就是从那时候开始的。"American Bandstand" with Dick Clark had started up.

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有几个街头演说者在室外音乐台边上试讲。A few soapbox orators are tuning up near the bandstand.

此外,那年麦当娜首次亮相于美国音乐台。Beyond that, Madonna made her first appearance on American Bandstand.

查尔斯·明格斯素以他的愤怒和直言不讳而在乐界闻名。Charles Mingus was known for being angry and outspoken on the bandstand.

我们挤过嘈杂的挤得满满的酒吧,来到有音乐台的大厅的门口。Jam-packed bar to the entrance of the big room, where the bandstand was.

约翰尼·丰塔纳跳上音乐演奏台,抛出他的胳膊抱住尼诺。Johnny Fontane jumped up on the bandstand and threw his arms around Nino.

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旁边有一个小型室外音乐台,突出地呈现出19世纪的风格。A small bandstand pavilion sits nearby, reinforcing the 19th-century ambience.

他们终于可以走下酒馆演奏台,去更大、更像样的地方演出了。They were able to move their performances off the cantina bandstand stage and into a larger, more proper venue.

在夏日的星期天,镇上的乐队排成纵队进入音乐台,演奏华尔兹,波尔卡,快乐的狮子就闭上眼睛,悠闲地欣赏音乐。On summer Sundays the town band filed into the bandstand to play waltzes and polkas and the happy lion closed his eyes to listen.

您提及的那些年轻人,比如迪克·克拉克这一代人,他们是否也深受鼓舞,以一种新的眼光来考虑他们的未来?Those young people that you talked about, that "Bandstand" generation, were they inspired to think about their future in a different way?

“美国音乐台”,成为在美国最流行的歌舞晚会。每个星期,年轻人在电视摄像机前最新的歌曲翩翩起舞。"American Bandstand" became the most popular dance party in America. Every week, young people danced to the latest songs in front of the TV cameras.

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凯尔特人的庆祝歌曲是一首传统的“美式演奏”的迪士高伴奏乐,视频里是一个穿着印有“吉诺”字样的T-恤衫的舞女。The Celtics' celebratory song is a disco hit accompanied by an ancient "American Bandstand" video featuring a mustachioed dancer wearing a shirt bearing the name, "Gino. "

克莱芬公园是伦敦最大的开放场地,她有着足够的空间让你在阳光下娱乐,三个池塘,网球场,草地球场和一个演奏舞台供你玩乐。One of London's largest open spaces, Clapham Common has plenty of room to relax in the sun as well as three ponds, tennis courts, grass pitches and a bandstand to keep you occupied.